No matches were found for subject:"\[VirtualGL\-Users\] The OP is having a problem with TurboVNC, not VirtualGL. The nVidia driver is not relevant to the problem. Please let me handle this. Thanks. On 2\/22\/17 1\:48 PM, Jason Kurtz wrote\: > Could you also run the following commands on the ubuntu server. > List all packages installed on the system. > sudo su \- > dpkg \-\-admindir=\/var\/lib\/dpkg\/ \-\-get\-selections > installed.packages > The current Kernel Version. > uname \-a > installed.kernel > The jre installed on the system > The jdk the system is using > java \-version 2> > The nvidia driver version loaded in the kernel. > dmesg \| grep nvidia > installed.nvidia > I had a similar problem and when I upgraded to 16.04 lts and the latest > nvidia driver it stopped."