Yeah, the XDMCP section in the manual really needs to be expanded.  The
basic trick is that you have to launch vglclient on the client machine,
not the server machine.

If you are connecting from a client, such as Windows or Mac, on which
the X server is a separate app, or if you are using Xnest to connect
from a Linux client, then this is easy.  Inside the XDMCP session, open
an xterm and type

xhost +LOCAL:

Then open a new terminal/command prompt on the client machine (outside
of the XDMCP session.)  In this new terminal, export DISPLAY to the
display number of the X server that is being used for the XDMCP
connection (Xnest in the case of a Linux client.)  Next, run 'vglclient
-detach' from that terminal.  Now you should be able to go back to the
XDMCP session and use 'vglrun' to start 3D applications.  You can close
the terminal you used to launch 'vglclient', if you wish.

If you are running a full-screen XDMCP session, for instance using the
GDM Chooser on a Linux client, then this is a little trickier.  As
above, you need to open an xterm inside the XDMCP session and type

xhost +LOCAL:

But then, from that same xterm, SSh back into the client machine.  From
within this client SSh session, 'export DISPLAY=:0' and run 'vglclient
-detach'.  You can now exit the SSh session and launch apps using 'vglrun'.

If someone else knows of a more streamlined way to do this, please post.


Jay Ives wrote:
> I have VirtualGL working to remotely view 3D applications running on a
> server
> across a network on my laptop, using the terminal window ssh login method.
> I want to run the server from my laptop with a server X session
> established by
> XDMCP. I am confused as to how to set up the VirtualGL client/server
> relationship to achieve this.
> So far, when I open a terminal in the server X session on my laptop
> established
> by XDMCP, 'echo $DISPLAY' tells me that the display is appropriately on my
> laptop, but how does one set up vgl_connect and vglrun to get the server
> to send
> to that display? When I run vgl_connect from that terminal window,
> vglrun tries
> to send the data to the local machine display even if I set the
> VGL_CLIENT variables. Perhaps I'm not setting these variables in the
> correct
> place...

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