Thanks to reply from the network experts.  My company's network has
less than 40 computers and we're using ethernet switches.  I suppose
switches are different from routers in that NetBEUI should work in switches,

        There's also an ethernet hub.  Is it a switch or a hub?

> This is because they don't have a NetBIOS over TCP/IP transport.  Most
> network printing devices do use IP printing, which is what I 
> believe you are describing.

        Yes, that's it.

> The only problem that was solved in your situation was 
> "convenience".  To
> gain this convenience you have A) added another network 
> transport to the mix
> and B) installed an unsupported core networking component.  
> Point A means
> you have extra traffic on the network, and one more thing to 
> go wrong (just
> wait until you get to the point that half of your machines 
> can't see the
> other half because some are using NetBEUI and some NetBIOS 
> over TCP/IP).
> Point B means you have willingly taken the risk for anything Microsoft
> didn't test.  Not really worth it for the sake of "convenience" to me.

        Yes, you could say it was mainly for "convenience" without doubt,
but I would consider this as more than convenience.  First, when I was using
IP printing, the configuration I used didn't wholly come from official docs.
I had to fiddle here and there and tried a lot to make things work. So I was
never sure what an exact solution is.  So it's also a matter of confidence.

        Second, there were incidents when some printing jobs never got to
the printer.  I suspect it's because two consecutive jobs were too closely
emitted and thus the server lost track of the later one.  Well, I have no
proof.  But since I reconfigured every computer to use NetBEUI, the problem
never happened again.

        But I'm willing to change to a better solution.  What should be done

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