> -----Original Message-----
> Is there anyway to scale the size of the JAVA VNC client 
> other than by 
> using the screen resolution feature in Windows. I would have 
> thought that 
> this setting would be contained somewhere in the RFBprotocol 
> file within 
> the VNC sources. But has anyone actually managed to get this 
> function to 
> work, i'd really appreciate to hear anyones ideas as to how 
> this may be achieved.

As far as I know:
The vnc server does not know anything about the scale the viewer shows to
the user.
The rfb protocol does not do anything with scaling information
Some vnc viewers have scaling capabilities. They just add or remove lines
and columns of pixels.

If your viewer does not have scaling, try an other one that has scaling. To
install a vncviewer, you don't need to be superuser, administrator or such,
you can download the vncviewer.exe file and just run that. THen you can use
the scaling from that viewer.

If your webbrowser does not support scaling and your java-vncviewer does not
support scaling, have a look at Opera: That has scaling! Unfortunatly, it
does only scale the viewport for java apps, not the java app itself....

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