I am just floored by the number of folks who have taken the time and effort to email me thoughts and comments and arguments since I have been a guest Conspirator. You all have truly made opening my in-box fun, and intellectually challenging -- and utterly daunting. (It does convince me that I am right about the nature of the blogosphere. I know that many people have been talking about blogging as a new kind of journalism. But I come out of a different disciplinary background, so to me, it seems to be the new public square. Or, if you just have to have a fancy schmancy academic phrase, it's the Public Sphere for the 21st Century!)

I have been at least skimming all of them, and if there is a quick answer I can pop off then and there I've been doing so. If it would take longer to answer than I can give it at the time, I've been holding on to it. This is probably just borrowing trouble given the rate at which they're coming in, but I can't allow myself to give up the idea of at least trying to answer -- it just seems rude to leave messages sitting there when you all have taken the time and trouble and put such thought into your responses.

At the risk of making this situation even worse, let me publish the address here so you'll stop routing mail through Eugene, which I'm sure is entertaining Eugene no end, but is probably getting a bit wearing. It's cdauber at email.unc.edu and as I say, I am trying, but I am not guaranteeing. I hope that won't deter you, as I'm learning a great deal, and getting cites (and sites) I wouldn't otherwise find. Again, thank you so much for taking the effort to send me back thought provoking ideas and perspectives. And the words of support ain't bad either.

Posted by Cori Dauber to The Volokh Conspiracy at 11/5/2003 07:33:36 PM

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