Read the ever-insightful Clay Shirky on silent dating. That's right, you all show up in the same room and start passing notes to each other. It turns out you can meet many more people this way, many more than with speed dating. Plus it offers, according to Shirky, the physical proximity of a strip club, albeit without the nudity and of course without the noise.

I wonder if this can last, if only because so many people at dating services don't really want to meet somebody, they just want to feel they are doing something about the problem. I suspect silent dating does not address their needs. Still, an intriguing idea.

If you don't already know him, check out Clay's home page. Clay is one of the smartest people writing today, in any field. Brad DeLong appreciates him as well, and I wish he were at my university. It's worth spending several hours or more with his home page, and I don't say that lightly. I taught Shirky to my Industrial Organization class last night, and I hope to blog more about him soon.

Posted by Tyler Cowen to The Volokh Conspiracy at 11/5/2003 09:48:04 PM

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