The Post is correct, certainly, that their poll registers that people are not buying the argument that Iraq is the "central front" in the War on Terror -- but they are still buying the argument that it is conceptually of a piece with the overall War on Terror (an argument, by the way, that far predates the start of the combat in March -- if you listened carefully, as far as the president was concerned this was always a "second front" for all intents and purposes). And the Post is also correct the White House would prefer they bought in for the whole rhetorical strategy. But as long as they still see the two as linked, it seems to me that the conceptual foundation (and rhetorical strategy) of this administration remains the one that people accept. (Although, as the Post points out, the trend is against it.) I'm just not sure the "central front" argument, while helpful, is necessary for them to win their arguments.

Posted by Cori Dauber to The Volokh Conspiracy at 11/5/2003 07:57:38 AM

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