Re: [Vo]: Re: OT: Clairvoyant Talking Head

2007-03-13 Thread John Berry
Richard, did you hear the latest news? BBC reported 20 minutes before WTC7 collapsed that it had collapsed. But they didn't say WTC7, if they had you might have thought they got their numbers muddled, they called it by it's full name, the Solomon Brothers Building which they mentioned had after

[Vo]: Re: OT: Clairvoyant Talking Head

2007-03-12 Thread R.C.Macaulay
Howdy Jones, The three views of happenings at 911 have been solidified. One view believes conspiracy One view believes the government report One view cannot decide. Beer drinkers at the Dime Box saloon don't care what happened. They can buy a tale of a 110 floor building pancaking down in

Re: [Vo]: Re: OT: Clairvoyant Talking Head

2007-03-12 Thread Harry Veeder
R.C.Macaulay wrote: For certain.. Halliburton announced today that they are moving their headquarters to Dubai from Houston.. Hmmm. Richard Dubya's Dubai. Harry