So today is supposed to be the big day, but I've said that enough times to
my friends and family over the last few months that I am starting to get
embarassed, if you simply posit that Rossi is perpetrating a scam (even
though I don't think he is) then we are still sitting here without solid
incontravertible evidence this is the Real Deal.

And so for his latest demo Rossi has managed to muddy the waters even more
due to its complexity and greater capacity for hidden sleight of hand -
50ish coolbox sized units in a shipping container and (I expect) another
terrible calorimetry setup.  Skeptics will claim he had a hidden steam pipe
or combustor and fuel in one or more of the boxes or has another power
source feeding in from under the container.  Rossi will get angry at them
and yet will have no way to prove to the world that he is legitimate other
than his word (that the world can fairly say is questionable given his

So I predict yet another Rossi generated stalemate.

But if so then with luck he will run out of money and be forced to do a
properly instrumented small demo running for a day or two.

Also if I was an investor then at this point I would be very worried that we
have only his word for it that it runs for extended periods - even if it is
LENR then if it only runs for a day or two before requiring refurbishment or
replacement of the reactor material then it is nothing more than a very
interesting scientific curio with perhaps spectacular potential but little
or no current practical use.

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