
internets provides:
> We built a wind powered vehicle designed to go *directly* downwind - faster
> than the wind. This is the first run of our first outing. We intended these
> first "attempts" only as shakeout runs. But we ended up doing better than
> our ultimate goal of twice windspeed. As a result, we've now set our goal at
> 3X windspeed.
> This is the first run of the two days we spent on the lakebed in Ivanpah,
> NV.
> We've blanked out the audion in places since it wouldn't be responsible to
> publish numbers that aren't official. We plan to make a well instrumented
> official run before the officials of the North American Land Sailing
> Association soon. Once that data has been certified we will publish all
> data.
> Downwind Faster than the Wind (DWFTTW)

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