Very interesting article (some specific text below).  It seems to be indicating:
1) atoms as a whole vibrate, but that is only because they are out of balance 
2) whatever an 'atom' is, INTERNALLY it has very regular/periodic oscillations 
going on
3) when a quantum or quanta of heat (or other energy) is absorbed(?) by the 
internal oscillations,
it causes a slight change in the frequency of one (or more) of the internal 
oscillations which
throws off the harmonics and this causes the entire atom to shake because those 
oscillations have
momentum, and the harmonic relationship between the individial momentums 
(oscillations) is out of
balance.  The desired state is perfect resonance, so the atom will try to shed 
that absorbed quantum
to a neighboring atom.  When it does, it stops vibrating (its now harmonically 
balanced) and the
atom that received the quantum now vibrates.
One can see that heat is then the constant transfer of quanta between atoms as 
they are all trying
to remain perfectly balanced -- of course, this is nearly impossible for any 
significant amount of
time at room temp.
I've emphasized a few points in the text below with *****asterisks*****
This thought just came to mind...
What if electric charge is simply caused by the fact that there are two 
different fundamental
frequencies, each with two sets of higher order harmonics?  Electrons are 
oscillations which are at
a significantly lower frequency than nucleons, and because of that, and the 
speed of light being a
constant, have a much wider physical span to their oscillation, thus, the 
'electron shells' being
much larger diameter than the nucleus.
Described in a paper published Feb. 23 by Nature, the NIST experiments enticed 
two beryllium ions
(electrically charged atoms) to **take turns** vibrating in an electromagnetic 
trap, exchanging
units of energy, or quanta, that are a hallmark of quantum mechanics. As little 
as **one quantum**
was **traded back and forth** in these exchanges, signifying that the ions are 
"coupled" or linked
together. These ions also behave like objects in the larger, everyday world in 
that they are
"harmonic oscillators" similar to pendulums and tuning forks, making 
repetitive, back-and-forth
"First one ion is jiggling a little and ******the other is not moving at 
all*****; then the jiggling
motion switches to the other ion. The smallest amount of energy you could 
possibly see is moving
between the ions," explains first author Kenton Brown, a NIST post-doctoral 
researcher. "We can also
tune the coupling, which affects how fast they exchange energy and to what 
degree. We can turn the
interaction on and off."
Each ion has its own characteristic vibration frequency; when excited, the 
motion reduces the amount
of laser light absorbed. Dimming of the scattered light tells scientists an ion 
is vibrating at a
particular pulse frequency.
To turn on the coupling interaction, scientists use electrode voltages to tune 
the frequencies of
the two ions, nudging them closer together. **********The coupling is strongest 
when the frequencies
are closest**********.

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