At 04:43 PM 4/10/2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:
On 4/10/2012 4:39 PM, Alain Sepeda wrote:
Defkalion on their forum gave a similar explanation,
talking about the heat caused by H2 breaking before loading and, recombination after degasing...

It can't possibly be recombination! Both the power and energy far exceeds that in many cases, as Fleischmann pointed out.

In heat after death, the deuterium gradually comes to the surface. It is "presented" to the surface, as electrochemists say. This surface is undergoing cold fusion because it happens to be ideal nuclearactive material. The deuterons leaking out join into the reaction, just as deuterons being pushed in during electrolysis does.

I am assuming the reaction occurs at surface layers, rather than in the bulk. Fleischmann thinks it happens in the bulk. He used to, anyway. Most people disagree.

The reaction may normally happen at or under the surface, based on where helium is found. However, that may not be universal. I'd be interested to know why Fleischmann thinks "bulk." seems to be inaccessible to me right now, if he mentions it in that paper.

As to recombination, there are two kinds of recombination. Defkalion would have to be talking about recombination of atomic hydrogen to form molecular hydrogen, H2. The process of absorption of hydrogen/deuterium into metal hydrides (deuterides) is exothermic, so the reverse process is endothermic. This kind of recombination cannot explain heat after death. It should cause cooling. It's similar to evaporation from a liquid (or sublimation of a solid, as may be more accurate for the release of H from a hydride).

The other kind of recombination would only apply to the electrochemical experiments, not to gas-loading, because it would be the reaction of hydrogen/deuterium with oxygen to reform water. That would be exothermic. The problem with this is the lack of adequate oxygen in these cells to support more than a little of this. Atomic hydrogen is present at the surface of hydrides, and it's highly reactive. I'd assume that it would burn if an oxygen bubble contacts the surface. Shanahan presents a vision of oxygen microbubbles contacting the surface and exploding, he tries to use this as a way to explain SPAWAR pitting on the other side of CR-39 near the cathode, some kind of shock wave from the explosion blowing material off the other side. Some skeptics are getting desperate....

An oxygen bubble contacting the cathode if it is releasing hydrogen would indeed burn it, but it would not explode, because the "flame front" could not spread through the bubble. If, however, the bubble is an explosive mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, you would get a pop. Not much. And such bubbles probably don't exist. Oxygen bubbles were formed at the anode as pure oxygen. And when the current is turned off, that formation will stop.

What is truly astonishing, from the point of view of the scientific method and normal scientific process, is that absolutely preposterous theories of "artifact" to explain away the FPHE were allowed and circulated, but no paper was ever published that actually demonstrated artifact, as to the heat. A great deal of attention was focused on the famous neutron error of Pons and Fleischmann, even though that only reflected a small part of their finding, a mysterious part, in fact, because those neutrons showed that classical fusion could only explain -- even if the neutrons were real -- a small fraction of the heat found.

The heat results were crucial, and fundamaental, and were never found to be artifact. The contrary, later neutral analysis showed little error, if any. This was, indeed, the Scientific Fiasco of the Century, as Huizenga called it. He didn't know the half of it.

The big problem with cold fusion was the famous "irreproducibility." That term was used broadly to imply that nobody could replicate. That was, of course, a major misrepresentation or error. The effect was replicated. What was difficult was replicating *exact results.*

SRI P13/P14 demonstrated the problem, and that finding, itself, should have been considered conclusive on this point: the FPHE depends on cathode conditions that were poorly controlled. Because under the exact conditions, except for time sequence, the same electrolytic current excursion (stepped increase over a small base current that simply maintained loading levels) produced, the first two times, no excess heat over the hydrogen control, only (apparently) a small increase in noise, as would be expected from increased activity. The third time, a very clear signal.

What I've noticed about cold fusion research in general is that excess weight was placed on positive results (i.e., the skeptics are right to claim publication bias! -- but don't understand the actual impact). Only the positive result in P13/P14 was dignified with a graph, a famous one. Looks beautiful. The first two excursions with no excess heat look boring, eh? But those negative results were crucial, because they represent a control experiment. The control demonstrates what happens when the FPHE is not set up, and they amount to proof that a negative result could be coming from uncontrolled conditions.

Specifically, now, we can say that the process of loading and deloading causes damage to the lattice, and the "damage" is crucial to the FPHE. It doesn't happen in a pure lattice with no defects. It also does not happen in a lattice that is excessively leaky, because the effect requires high loading, and if the lattice is very leaky, that loading cannot be obtained.

It has to be *just right*, perhaps. At least in a pure FPHE demonstration.

Codepostion may be able to get around this, but there is a problem with codep. Again, we can see a publication bias. Increasingly, I hear of scientists who have tried codep and didn't see anything. Publication bias.

Cold fusion will leap ahead when we stop bemoaning the pseudoskepticism and start building a solid structure of science. They are right, in a way, and we need to address the way that they are right.

They are also wrong, of course, because, as Storms wrote in 2010, evidence has accumulated that, in the FPHE, deuterium is being converted to helium. If that evidence had been known in 1989, my guess is that we would know by now what is happening in the heat effect. That's why this was such a fiasco. Billions of dollars may have been wasted on hot fusion research, compared to what might have born fruit with less funding in cold fusion.

However, the 1989 and 2004 DoE reviews, flawed as they were, were right on in one way. At neither point was the huge investment of a *major program* appropriate. We need to know the basic science before throwing money at it, or we will waste a lot of money! *Modest* investment, by comparision, was appropriate then and now. Basic science, to establish an understanding of the effect and how to create it reliably, both for further study and, then, for possible commercial applications.

What's "modest investment"? Whatever it takes to fund basic studies. The field badly needs controlled replications. Because of the present conditions, there is no glory or possibility of wealth from pure replications, and that's been so for twenty years. McKubre has been doing it, because he's funded to do it. We need a *lot* more like that.

W-L theory is getting some traction, in spite of its implausibility. Okay, how about some actual testing of its predictions? For starters, the helium Q should be nailed down. That is important work, regardless of W-L. At the same time, *all* isotopic anomalies resulting from an active cathode should be investigated -- and compared with those from inactive cathodes.

It doesn't really matter what approach is used to create the FPHE as long as it's reasonably "successful" in setting up a clear effect, such that a good percentage of cells show it. I'm liking codep because it could be cheaper, as one doesn't waste a lot of palladium in the bulk. It's looking like the SPAWAR protocol is pretty inefficient, because the initital palladium is *not* codeposited with deuterium, and exploring codep to make it more efficient and more reliable would, itself, be valuable.

This is for the science of it. If you want to get rich, work on Ni-H, it's obvious. When Ni-H is established, as it may well be, that's a different avenue to explore. *It is certainly a different reaction!* There may or may not be a common mechanism.

Those who love science love anomalies, because they are signposts indicating we have something to learn.

Those who love being right, and being secure in smug belief, are threatened by anomalies and must reject them as "nothing to see here, just some unexplained mistake, incompetence, or fraud."

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