Extract of a conversation with an anonymous source : ----- Original Message 
> > By the way, You guys have not even begun to look at the issues with
> > the thermocouple measuring the secondary input temperature.
> > That error works against Rossi.
> > (Hint: The connector on the end of the hose is a quick connect.)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> http://lenr.qumbu.com/111010_pics/111010_3_crop.jpg (crop of your
> photo)
> Hmmm ... I don't see a problem with that. Even if it's not thermally
> connected to the eCat it's just a short piece of copper tube.
> On the inner side it's in direct contact with 25C (or whatever) water
> at 600 L/hour.
> On the outer side it's connected to ambient air at 30C.
> I don't see much scope for error.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The thermal-couple was attached to the the part of the connector you
> slide back to unlock the quick connect. That part of the connector
> does not come in direct contact with the water. at best, it touches a
> part that touches a part that comes in contact with the water.
In other words, the INPUT thermocouple reads a temperature 25C, which is 
SOMEWHERE between the actual water temperature and ambient (30 C). If the 
reading is too HIGH it will give a SMALLER delta-T than the actual, and will 
under-estimate the power. 

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