~Disclaimer//I'm NOT a Mormon~


In 1824 Mormon 'prophet' young Joseph Smith basically claimed to be an 
'abductee.' He told a 'Revealed World History' that was hauntingly nearly 
EXACTLY the plot of Nicholas Cage's/"Knowing."  The  indication was that we 
stem from an advanced race of 'terra-formers' who in a CENTRAL STAGING SOLAR 
SYSTEM first terra-form planets, and then transdimentionally transport them to, 
& place them in the 'goldy-locks' zone of an appropriately evolved sun/star 
system.  This is WHAT THEY DO; and being spun-off from THEIR DNA MATRIX it's NO 
HAPPENSTANCE that the FIRST WE THINK OF when we realize that we JUST MIGHT NOT 
SIGHT ! ! !---------->duh; maybe not so ODD a THING THAT. . .


Now this is all pretty exotic stuff for some kid from 1824.  Needless to )this 
DID NOT play well with most of the neighbors and the 'religiously bent 

skewed and 'screwed-up' the various tangential 
socio-religious(quasi-hysterical) events/devlopments that followed WITH the NEW 
STUFF in those days with everybody and their hound-dog creating a 'new' 
religion such as Jehovah's Witnesses, 7th Day Adventists, yadda yadda, ad 


BUT WE ARE LUCKIER in that the 'silver screen' and the WORLD WIDE WEBB allow 
our psycho/imaginary/creative/remote-viewing FLIGHTS of IMAGERY preclude the 


BUT SOMETHING 'EXOTIC,' in the 1800s, like now since the 60's, was in the 
air/ether/planetary-psycosphere.  And the SWELLING OCCURANCE of 
SYNCHRONOSLY-INSPIRED movies, books, and 'www' relative to these 
'exotic'/not-now-so-exotic/even curiously & 'anciently familiar' psi-fi-themes; 
is either good-old time religion paranoid MASS HYSTERIA (or) the PLANETARY 
GESTALT//GALACTIC HOMONID-SYMBIOSIS is waking up.  And here I'm following upon 
the theme here.


AND ALSO CURIOUSLY Nick Cage's//"Knowing" seems to CONNECT/DOVE-TAIL(maybe 
intentionally by the writers) in rather smooth synchronicity with Richard 
Gere's//MOTHMAN PROPHESIES------------->go figure. . . .


BUT EVEN FROM A quasi-religious/Buddist-like interpretations "Knowing's" 
advanced godlike/angel-like/mothman-like beings BURNT-OFF there more 
'primitive' human guise before 'going-on' and the inference is that sooner or 
later our whole gestalt-planetary sub-family of 'humanity' will have to to the 


BUT REALLY if you accept 'life' as a indestructabe seriess- of 
transdimensionally-phased 'incarnations'(not necessarily time-linear)  from a 
mini-gestalt 'over-pool' within a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL/MULTI-UNIVERSE 
overpool-(and I do)- then: IN SHORT:  "THE BEAT GOES ON BABY!"~;-)  And in 
every subsequent of 'onwardly-evolving' incarnation it would seem to follow 
that the 'imagery' of BURNING off of the TROUBLING CIRCUMSTANCIAL 'DROSS' of 
the 'life-departed' FOR THE PURE INTERNAL-MORE CHILD-LIKE essence that SURVIVES 




Ciao Comrades!//Harbach-O'Sullivan




From: orionwo...@charter.net
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: RE: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Rejectee Paradigm
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 20:53:53 -0500

>From Mr. Zell:
> Apparently, there are claims of some potential abductees being 
> rejected due to age or health.
> http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601086&sid=aILLOMP8rU34&refer=latin_america
> I can't get a job interview and now, even ET's aren't hiring.  
> This interdimensional age discrimination is just wrong.  
> More evidence of discrimination comes from Brazil in that 
> famous Boas case in which a farmer got abducted and was compelled 
> to engage in coitus with an attractive alien female. 
> I guess I consider it a credible account since regardless of 
> how strange or bizarre or miraculously scary a situation is, 
> some of us guys still are moved by a Primal Urge above all else.  
> The same hottie ( or her clone?) shows up in that book, 
> "Hair of the Alien", along with a naked Asian woman.  The guy 
> wakes up and finds a long white hair wrapped around his 
> Johnson.  DNA sez it's human but very, very weird human.  
> Read the book if you think I'm kidding.
> Big difference from Greys poking you with long needles, 
> I'd say.  If any of you get taken this way, I'd get loud 
> about it and complain, "Hey, I want the old way!"  
> ( a Barbarella reference).
> In summary, I'm willing to probe but not be probed.  
> Hope the wife will understand. I did it for my planet.
It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it. They will name high schools after 
you!  ;-)
I hope Mr. Storms is lurking close by because I suspect he might be amused to 
know that I would concur with Mr. Zell in the sense that the famous Antonio 
Boas "abduction" case does strike me as an authentic "catch and release" 
program. I also would conjecture that Mr. Boas was probably not the only 
subject who was picked up for milking during that time period. The Wiki entry 
on the Boas incident indirectly hints of the fact that there may very well had 
been prior incident(s). But of course, alleged prior events were subsequently 
used by skeptics to suggest that that’s where Antonio Boas got the idea for his 
crazy tale in the first place. So, there ya go. Damned if you do! Damned if you 
FWIW there seems to exist several compelling aspects to this incident that, at 
least for me, suggest the Boas incident may have been an actual physical 
occurrence - as compared to my alternative and much more complicated "UFO 
Abduction Paradigm" hypothesis which I would classify as being 
just-as-legitimate of an experience but of a very different kind.
Boas did not appear to lose consciousness during the entire abduction scenario. 
He did not appear to experience any paranormal incidents. For example, he was 
not floated up into the sky, or made to literally pass through solid walls, as 
is occasionally described by UFO Abductee / experiencers. Antonia Boas was not 
subject to any manner of "psychic tests" such as where an alien gets very close 
to one's face and stares into one's eyes. Such “close encounters” subsequently 
cause the experiencer to feel as if an overpowering mind-meld is in progress, 
where their own identity and that of the alien are essentially becoming one and 
the same.
Mr. Boas appears to have been abducted - once. All the occupants did during his 
single abduction was take blood samples, and his seed – collected "the old 
[fashion] way" with the assistance of an exotic looking lass sporting bright 
red pubic hair. For his "services" the occupants gave Mr. Boas a quick tour of 
the ship before releasing him back into the wild.
Since this was a one-shot deal, so to speak, there were no follow-up 
"consultations" where Mr. Boas gets to meet sickly hybrids, where he is told to 
extend his "love" to them as if they were one of his own children. Neither was 
Mr. Boas shown any emotionally devastating scenes of our planet experiencing 
catastrophic disasters.
There are other curious factors that seem to lend potential authenticity. Mr. 
Boas claims he was led in to a room where a gas was pumped into it, making him 
temporarily ill. It seems plausible to speculate that during this time Mr. 
Boas’ physiology was being acclimated, possibly to the same atmospheric 
pressure and elemental components that the occupants are more acclimated to. I 
would speculate that the occupants came from a planet whose atmosphere may have 
been of a much higher pressure than what we are use to. For example, their 
atmosphere likely contained different mixtures of oxygen and nitrogen. Such a 
change in atmospheric density might also help explain why the occupants didn't 
vocalize or sound the same as we, possibly because the atmospheric density 
caused them to evolve their audio communication needs (vocal chords?) to better 
match their own atmospheric conditions.
Perhaps some of the most profound revelations that the Antonio Boas incident 
suggests is the possibility that humanoids, specifically humanoids possessing a 
majority of homo sapien-like genes may be more prevalent within our corner of 
the galactic neighborhood than our current scientific paradigms would suggest. 
Perhaps "humanoids" have been hanging around the ol'spiral arm for a very, VERY 
long time. It also suggests to me that over the eons many "family branches" may 
have unintentionally or intentionally lost touch with each other as a result of 
various convoluted reasons. Perhaps certain groups chose to strike out on their 
own becuz they wanted start their own civilization, a fresh new version that 
was separate from the common denominator. Perhaps some simply wanted to go back 
to their roots and go "native", as was recently recounted in the climatic 
ending of the recent popular SF saga BattleStar Galactica. (Man! What a 
fracking good TV series that was!) 
As to our own unique genetic heritage, all that we may have left on Planet 
Terra to ponder could be mythic stories and accounts, like those recounted in 
ancient Vedantic text from India. Finally, the fact that Mr. Boas had his 
"seed" extracted "...the old [fashion] way", where the source of his 
regenerative powers was implanted within the womb of a woman who subsequently 
gestured to him that his offspring would be raised where she lives, strongly 
suggests the possibility that where the woman comes from her race has 
instigated a program of fishing around for fresh genetic material. Perhaps our 
planet, containing all of its diverse homo sapien races, are the equivalent of 
the Amazon Basin. From a biological perspective, instigating a genetic 
reintroduction / diversification program makes perfect sense. Introducing 
increased genetic diversity within a race of homo sapien-like humanoids that 
may have allowed its own genetic heritage over eons to become too homogenous is 
likely to increase the chances of its continued survival.
But then, perhaps this is just another example of a modern myth in the making. 
If so, it’s a compelling tale! ;-)
Steven Vincent Johnson
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