In Italian ...

18 / 5/13 - The direct testimony of Professor. Stremmenos

For the first time in a long time, Christos Stremmenos, a physicist who worked 
on the development of the ' E -Cat and retired professor at the Department of 
Physical Chemistry, University of Bologna, he returned to public speaking LENR, 
and made at a conference on Energy Savings held in Bologna on 18 May, organized 
by the local Lions Club, with a popular talk entitled 'cold fusion or LENR: 
cheap energy and no environmental impact. "


Perhaps the most interesting of the intervention was to his testimony, unusual 
for the general public, on a test of an entirely different nature from the 
previous Eng. Rossi has made ​​himself available to perform. In a reactor built 
by Stremmenos with a geometry and a technique different from those reactors 
Rossi, have been used "dust" normally used by ' E -Cat. The results have been 
very positive, and this was a further confirmation of the validity of the 

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