Hi Jack,

                I won't repeat my
tml>  whole blog but in simpler terms I don't think this is fusion or
chemistry. I suspect they are using a monatomic membrane to break
relativistic H2. The cavity is doing the work by creating a partial boundary
to vacuum fluctuations which effects the gravitational field flowing through
the cavity vs the gravitational field outside the cavity (As Zottia
<http://th-www.if.uj.edu.pl/acta/vol27/pdf/v27p2409.pdf> 's paper proposes
the isotropy is broken) creating a differential acceleration. This
differential is a tiny 10E-14 according to Di Fiore et all
<http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0109091>  but is a constant acceleration
accumulating velocity exponentially. I suspect that spatial confinement
allows heat from disassociation and gas law to also contribute to the
acceleration vector. It is this velocity that opposes relativistic H2
formation and immediately breaks the bonds, restores monatomic energy levels
and allows the atoms to continue accelerating. What Mills has mistaken for
"small hydrogen" with a fractional orbital may actually be "distant
hydrogen" with a normal orbital but the time coordinate diverging while the
spatial coordinates remain relatively stationary inside the cavity. Likewise
I think the up conversion of vacuum fluctuations inside a Casimir cavity is
actually due to this same acceleration and temporal divergence of the
original vacuum fluctuations which only appear smaller and faster from our
perspective see animation <http://www.byzipp.com/finished2.swf> . Another
animation from a relativistic perspective of
<http://www.byzipp.com/finished1.swf>  hydrogen inside the cavity.

Best Regards


From: Jack O Suileabhain [mailto:braghgoerin...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 12:27 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: [Vo]:*STAR*in*JAR*&ShrimpDieselsGriggs


?What do *Star in a Jar/Sonofusion/SonoCavitativeFusion,* & Shrimp, Diesels,
& Griggs have in common?  Looking for the 'right' questions.

Frank Roarty: Posted the reference to 'Fractional Quantum States for
Hydrogen within Casimir Cavitation;' more or less.  Minds across the globe
are noticing that there is 'something' maybe extremely important here that
we need to collectively focus upon in the sense of much discipline,
cooperation, & strenuous vigor.  This is commanding more than an
officianado's banal & fickle interest on our parts.
And since we don't have the Nazi's at present goading us as with the
Manhattan Project we heartily needs to be taking the initiative of this work
onto ourselves in  concert & with much zeal and vigor.  After all, OU is the
central motivational premise of Vortex's existence.  And in Vortex lies the
potential to ignite a greater fire within the Global Scientific Collective.
This of course is a noble & poetic view but not without basis in fact in
each an every one of your hearts & minds.  Oh yea; the 'hearts & minds' bit
again---yadda yadda.
 As an oblique reference to the above, it seems that we've barely scratched
the surface here to what will likely be the next quantum leap towards
achieving controlled fractional fusion.
Mostly I'm just forwarding further questions here.  But like James Cromwell
of 'Babe' & 'The Babe'(same year go fiqure) said while in holographic form
in 'I robot,' "Now 'that' is the right question;"  I'm searching for the
'right' questions.
We have been taught rigorously to take many things as 'givens' and thusly
for granted.  Since I, for instance like 'finny-fish' I made the erroneous
(and unproven) assumption that I was 'all-good' with sea food across the
board and never questioned deeply my unconcious-intuitive & anomalous
life-time avoidance of 'shell-fish from the sea.'  Oops-oh,  a  day ago that
unquestioned 'assumption' nearly dispatched me from this mortal-coil.  It
had never occurred to me to ask that critical 'right question.'
Water doesn't burn, everybody 'knows' that.  Enter the pistol shrimp. Enter
the Giggs quasi-OU cyclic-multi cavitation cylinder.  Enter 'Star in a Jar'
?Sono-Fusion/Sono-cavitative fusion?
Developing questions:  ?Star in a Jar/Sono-fusion? &  Pistol shrimp
Cavitative Compression fusion: ?Are these Compression hydrolysis & ignition
being catalytically piggy-backed/triggering also micro-fusion because the
'compression-hydrolysis is yielding 'both' H2-O2 molecular & also atomic
H-H-O?  Rather than either/or; we may be seeing that hyper compression to
the accoustic centre of the highly compressed cavitation-cavity chamber is
performing the above simultaneously.  
Focused energy yield-inputs tend to 'loosen' molecular bonds chemically &
also in variance also induced-foculized high-energy inputs such as fired
neutrons can also loosen atomic bonds.  Resultantly then we have new
chemical &/or atomic configurations formed with high-residual-energy yield
much of the time.  This is a given. Now more recently the 'Star in a Jar'
experiment purports to tentatively be performing this same
high-energy-input-to-cavity-centre-quasi-fusion function as the
Pistol-shrimp may be doing mechanically. But instead *Star in a Jar* is
purported accomplishing this function via Sonic wave input a-la' a
variable/adjustable wave transducer energy inputs upon a globe of water.
This is theoretcally causing the hydrolysis-chemical &
quasi-hydrolysis-atomic cavitative 'chemically-fired-quasi-fusion' reaction
via said Sono-acoustic inputs to 'converge harmonically' at said centre of
the water/glass globe causing the reaction to occur/fire.  
Using terms like harmonic wave induction etc. starts to smack of Nikola
Tesla.  Now there is a question worth contemplating and testing more in
I'm still thinking that we'll be needing to see some Helium bubbles via
spectrographic analysis here.

The Star-in-a-Jar quasi-Sona-fusion device purports to create a
'Sun-temperature-Star Centre' in the centre of the water globe,' via Sonic
imputs.  The parallels of Sonofusion to the Pistol-shrimp cavitatitive
hyper-reaction are interesting.
*But a big deal here with the Pistol shrimp is that we've ignored that he
fires his claw in a saline-hydrous solute medium.  Sodium & Chloride ions in
water solute are highly conductive of Quantum-electron energy.  Hense a
saline solution is going hold a much higher ambient charge than pure H2O
which is common knowledge.  I'll add an image supposition that indeed 'ions'
carry X-tra charge and act as 'capacitors.'  Hense with the Pistol shrimp
the saline ion's energy-release upon the
'eye-position-central-cavitative-hyper-compression's' action acts further
'catalytically/aka accelerated hydrolysis.'  And thusly our ion-micro
capacitors release their X-tra charge into this centrally focused explosive
mixture boosting, likely exponentially, this entire hydrolytic process even
to the point of also 'cracking' some of the molecular hydrogen into atomic
form.  Thus is supplied fusable Hydrogen into the mix; and if again, this is
piggy-back micro-fusion the implications are indeed enormous.
It's hard to know if the Griggs device is paralleling the above hypothesis
since we can't clearly 'see' what is going on.  But again, trace-Helium in
the steam vapor output of Griggs would be telling.
Funny thing and right before our eyes all along.  This principle of
hyper-cavitative compression-hydrolysis/ignition/microfusion could at least
be 'part' of the answer already and within our very grasp as we speak.  
Basic internal combustion engines have been capitalizing on this
hypercavitation deal that seems to mightly accelerate 'chemical-reactive
explosions.'  And maybe there has always been 'more quantum-physics'
involved here than it ever occurred to us to question.  We took a merely
prozaic chemical internal-combustion reaction for granted because the
machine 'simply worked;' and worked quite well.  Why look further; and if
it's not 'baroque' don't fix it; right?
Amusing premise in a question:  Take a brand new extremely well engineered
high(cavitative)compression diesel engine.  You'd want to get it right off
of the assembly line before it had been tainted with any petroleum product.
If you can use all synthetic crank-case lubricant & the more 'inert' then,
more's the better.  This machine is fuel injection; (and remember that
increased-power-output-aircraft-piston-engines are water injected.)  So
using the fuel injection system of the diesel engine to facilitate
hydrous-saline solute instead of '#2-diesel-fuel aka jet fuel' would likely
merely need the modification of the nozzles of the fuel injectors at the
A good diesel engineer could facilitate the modifications for using
salt-water as fuel instead of diesel if any are necessary.
? ? ? And just suppose, that adding a more powerful high-speed/high-torque
initial starting system applied to the salt-water modified diesel engine
became a Pistol-shrimp firing sharply in every cylinder. And in short; we'd
have a conventional diesel engine that runs on salt-water with a steam
exhaust with maybe trace helium to-boot?   Of course this is silliness
because everybody knows that salt-water doesn't burn nor explode; everybody,
that is, except for the Pistol shrimp; who like the bumble-bee, refuses
rudely to comply with our well established & mathmatically articulated
preconceived 'givens;' & fortunately for us it is. . . JO


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