[Vo]:First Manned Rocket

2012-05-16 Thread Terry Blanton
Did the first manned rocket launch in 1961 carrying Yuri Gagarin?  Or
did it launch in 1933 carrying Otto Fischer?



Re: [Vo]:First Manned Rocket

2012-05-16 Thread Robert Lynn
They were 400 years late to the party.


On 16 May 2012 12:31, Terry Blanton hohlr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Did the first manned rocket launch in 1961 carrying Yuri Gagarin?  Or
 did it launch in 1933 carrying Otto Fischer?



Re: [Vo]:First Manned Rocket

2012-05-16 Thread LORENHEYER
Actually our common 'monkey' ancestors were test piloting rockets first. 
They were millions of years ahead of us.  I guess the 'old saying that it's 
so easy a human can do it was true after all.  

 Did the first manned rocket launch in 1961 carrying Yuri Gagarin?  Or
 did it launch in 1933 carrying Otto Fischer?

Re: [Vo]:First Manned Rocket

2012-05-16 Thread Harry Veeder
since this story mentions the hollow earth theory, I would like to say
that I think the theory is a unconscious comment on galilean
relativity (the central myth of modern physics) where the relativity
motion is based on observations made inside windowless room.


On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:12 AM,  lorenhe...@aol.com wrote:
 Actually our common 'monkey' ancestors were test piloting rockets first.
 They were millions of years ahead of us.  I guess the 'old saying that it's
 so easy a human can do it was true after all.

  Did the first manned rocket launch in 1961 carrying Yuri Gagarin?  Or
  did it launch in 1933 carrying Otto Fischer?



Re: [Vo]:Any SLIders out there? I am one.

2012-05-16 Thread Harry Veeder
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 11:56 PM,  mix...@bigpond.com wrote:

 In reply to  Harry Veeder's message of Tue, 15 May 2012 21:33:02 -0400:
Yeah it has happened to me with a few street lights, but I thought it
was just some sort of subtle electrical/vibrational connection between
my body and a light which was nearing the end of its life. However,
one night about 20+ years ago, I found I was able to turn a particular
light on and off repeatedly by walking towards and away from it each

 Perhaps it has to do with the fair weather current, or in this case field.
 By walking toward the lamp the top of your head brings the ground closer to
 the lamp (because your body is filled with salt water, which is a reasonable
 conductor), thus changing the static field. The resultant high voltage change
 may be enough to trigger the circuitry of the lamp, causing it to turn on.

 This may only happens with lamps where the normal ground connection (if they
 have one) is broken .

 BTW it may also be related to whether or not your footwear is (somewhat)
 conductive (e.g. wet).


 Robin van Spaandonk

Maybe. The hypothesis could be tested with a tall bladder filled with
salt water sitting on remote controlled cart.

Other curious phenomena such as water dowsing could be investigated
with subitably constructed human analogues.


Re: [Vo]:What was that?

2012-05-16 Thread LORENHEYER
Sorry, this is late.  I meant to reply to your post about that light, but 
time has been  in short supply.  At any rate, if you had been watching the 
nightsky over the years as much as I have, especially in a more studious 
manner, you would likely have noticed this light at least 5 times a year. 

  About 12 yrs ago, I watched it as it came into view from 
due-west, traveling due east.  It was almost what I'd say was a rather 'huge' 
too bright yellow light (maybe what the sun might look like from jupiter), and 
traveling at a very high rate of speed, much moreso than the other more 
brighter white ones I've seen many times over the years.

   I watched it 
travel the entire sky from horizon to horizon (altho it was mostly dark) in 
about a half a minute. While it could have been mistaken for an airplane, 
that would 'only' be because you hadn't spent the previous 15 yrs studying 
the nightsky, and  witnessed many a light show that were under *highly* 
intelligent control.

   I'll tell you right here 
 now that most people who have their attention refocused by a strange 
obvious light on ocassion, simply don't have a reason or the time to look up at 
the nightsky on a regular basis.  If they did however, and especially by 
letting *you know who*  know that you're aware of them and their presence, I 
guarantee you that you will begin to see some very unbelievable sights.

If you live in an area where there are no immediate 
bright street or city lights to obfuscate your view of the nightsky above you, 
then I would suggest you take advantage of it once  while or as often as  
you can. You will see first-hand what has very highly likely been up there 
long before *our* time began. The only thing is that you will have trouble 
with what you're seeing, because first you allow yourself to look away right 
when it starts to get very interesting.

 It's not something you'll tend to even believe at first, or 
understand, and/or even a needd to relate to. All you'll essentially be able to 
do is 
to explain it away, so as to fit more easily into the boundaries of this 
limited world view (sorry, no offence). 

  Over the many years, I have seen 
so very much that I no longer spend near as much time as I use to looking 
up. Many years ago already, I determined beyond any doubt that our 
civilization and/or human mode of being, and this good 'old planet earth that 
we are so 
very dependent upon for our survival, has for all intents  purposes long 
since been obsolete.  
me there's no longer a question about Evolution vs Creation, because the 
way I se it is that you simply can't have one without the other. Interesting 
enough, while we use powerful telescopes to peer into the beginning of the 
universe where  when the first galaxies were just forming, and even beyond 
that where only a dark void exists,  a highly advanced civilization has gone 
much Much farther than that, in that that void has been affected so as to 
bring about what we now call the universe.  It looks to me is that *time* was 
created in time in an instant, after but before (it's so simple). 

  Not only are *they* interpreting the world of matter/energy in a much 
more intracate detailed manner, but are operating it from afar, with 
absolute precision.  What we're actually talking about is in-fact the real true 
Power of the Almighty, an unbelievably  extremely well-coordinated or combined 
effort of many craft that emit a very powerful energy field that can pierce 
right into time itself. 
Now, I know what you're 
thinking, because I didn't quite believe it either at first,,, but there it 
is, never-the-less, in a nutshell. You can be sure of one thing, and that 

[Vo]:Dowsing research ignored

2012-05-16 Thread Harry Veeder

Water witch work ignored

Posted May. 8th, 2003 by Karen Morrison

A university researcher is having trouble convincing his colleagues
that water witching works.

“They’re not willing to accept it. They say dowsing doesn’t exist,”
said Vincent von Tscharner of the University of Calgary.

In the three years since he completed his three-year study of dowsers,
he has been unable to get his research peer-reviewed, a necessary step
that precedes its publication in scientific journals.

Von Tscharner said he made a strong case in a statistical analysis of
nine different dowsers in blind and controlled experiments. Some were
even placed inside enclosed trailers or blindfolded and pulled around
sites, so they would not know where they were in a field, he said.

Analysis using linear regression and computer simulations led to his
conclusion that there had to be more than luck in the dowsers’ high
success rate.

A Swiss native educated in experimental physics, mathematics and
biophysics, von Tscharner now works in the human performance lab at
the university’s kinesiology faculty. He found a strong correlation
between muscle activity in human subjects and geological fields below
the ground. Convinced the dowsers are reacting to geological
structures underground, he conceded it may not necessarily be water.

He placed electrodes on the dowsers to gauge muscle activity.

“When people walk into an active zone, you see a change in the muscle
activity,” he said. “Active fields have an influence on the human

The experiments were repeated with dozens of non-dowsers, who also
showed changes in muscle activity in active zones.

Yet only dowsers seemed able to use that to advantage in finding the
fields with their divining rods and tools.

Yannis Pahatouroglou of the University of Saskatchewan’s physics
department said further collaborative study is needed involving
specialists in the fields of biology, physics and geology.

“A joint effort rather than an individual one might be able to prove
that,” he said.

He said experiments would need meticulous measurements, untested sites
and subjects sensitive to underground fixtures. That would need to be
followed up with geological analysis and drilling to determine what is
below ground.

“Anyone can speculate, but for something to be accepted, you have to
have experiments,” said Pahatouroglou.

Von Tscharner said it will take time to convince classical physicists
of his results. In the meantime, he continues to present his research
at conferences in the hopes that one day his research will be

He noted dowsers have long been used by farmers and well diggers to
identify potential drilling sites.

“The population doesn’t care what scientists say,” he said.

“They use it because they know it works for them and if they didn’t
work, they wouldn’t use it again.”


Re: [Vo]:What was that?

2012-05-16 Thread Terry Blanton
This one is kindakewl:



Re: [Vo]:Passi22 -- Reply of Italian Secretary of State

2012-05-16 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax a...@lomaxdesign.com wrote:

This is actually an amazing comment. It explicitly recognizes LENR as it
 is: established experimentally as real, but without any universally
 accepted theory as to how it operates.

Various Italian government agencies explicitly recognized LENR years ago.
That is why the ENEA sponsored ICCF15, along with the Italian Physics and
Chemistry societies. Unfortunately, there is still a great deal of
opposition because of academic politics, and there is little or no funding
for the research. Recognition is tepid at best. It is not strong enough to
overcome the opposition. It is only a little better than nothing.

- Jed

[Vo]:How Nature refused to re-examine the 1989 CalTech experiment

2012-05-16 Thread Jed Rothwell
A paper by me:


This consists of several quotes from Miles and Noninski, my summary of some
of the points they made about Lewis, followed by my snide remarks about
Lindley rewritten in proper academic form.

Lewis is confusing. I included a delicious quote from it. I wish I could
upload the whole paper but I doubt that Lewis or Nature would grant
permission. I do not wish to poke those two hornets' nests.

Miles, Noninski and others assisted me with this, for which I thank them. I
suppose I should add an Acknowledgement. That seems kind of formal for a
mere 9-page summary.

I have uploaded some other stuff lately, including Noninski's letter
(referenced in my report), and Kowalkski's memoirs  thoughts. See:


- Jed

Re: [Vo]:How Nature refused to re-examine the 1989 CalTech experiment

2012-05-16 Thread Jed Rothwell
Specifically, Kowalski is here:


This paper popped up to the top of the list because I unveiled to the yet
unknowing world the name of the editor that Pam blacked out:


The name is George C. Schatz, Editor, The Journal of Physical Chemistry.
Anyone could have discovered that with Google in about 10 seconds.

I retyped several pages at the end.

I also retyped Vesco Noninski's entire letter, which was a pain in the
butt. I was hoping he would proofread it but so far he has not. The
original is available at Krivit's page. The page I linked to in the paper .
. . here:


Speaking of unveiling things, my all-time favorite Victorian
sculpture portraying a science-related theme is in the Musée d'Orsay,
Nature Unveiling Herself Before Science, 1899:


Granted, there are not many sculptures in this category. I can hardly
recall any others. But however many there are, I expect this will remain my
favorite. Experimental science would be more engaging if it resembled this
instead of anal-retentive stamp collecting.

- Jed

[Vo]:OT [WIsconsin Politics] you have been warned

2012-05-16 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Again, this is OFF TOPIC. You have been warned.


Here's a You-Tube clip I'm sure some on this list will find educational.
Others, not at all. Too bad.


Within the last week a video clip has just surfaced that I'm sure Scott
Walker's supporters would have preferred stay buried. The clip shows
Wisconsin governor Walker greeting, physically kissing and embracing one of
his extremely rich financial billionaire supporters, Diane Hendricks, a
person who contributed half a million dollars to his campaign and the use of
her private plane - to help turn Wisconsin into a red state. Scott
privately reveals his strategy plans to Ms Hendricks, to turn Wisconsin into
a Red state, to deal with the public employee collective bargaining issue,
to ...divide and conquer Wisconsin's public unions.


Later, the video shows what Walker was simultaneously stating for public
consumption - that he is not out to destroy Wisconsin's pubic unions.


Lastly, a little humor: George Carlin talks about how the rich class keeps
all the other classes fighting against each other so that they can continue
to take all the fcking money to the bank.




Duration: two minutes.


On June 5, within weeks from now , Wisconsin will hold a historic recall
election to decide whether Scott Walker and Walker's financial backers will
be allowed to continue their ideology of changing Wisconsin into a red state
- or not. I have been a Wisconsin resident since 1967 and a state employee
since 1978. I have never witnessed so much acrimony as what Walker has
managed to stir up within the last year. Those who disagree with Walker's
ideology realize he has many supporters, and many of those supporters are
very rich and very powerful. It's extremely difficult to predict the outcome
of this election.


I miss Carlin.



Steven Vincent Johnson



Re: [Vo]:refrig question off topic

2012-05-16 Thread fznidarsic

I received the line tap and and gauges.  The line piercing tap was easy to 
install on the low pressure line.  
The134 gas went in promptly.  I noticed that the low pressure line became cold 
and started to frost up.
I thought that I had fixed the thing.  It was easy as pie.  Good boy Frankey.

In continuing operation, it was still not cooling good enough or making ice.
I had overfilled the fridge and the 134 was now boiling in the the low pressure 
under the fridge on the way back to the compressor.  I tried to let some gas 
out, to no avail.

I now believe,  the fridge was not low on gas and that the compressor was warn 
out.  Sometimes the early bird does not get the worm.

Off to the the store I go to get a new fridge. With what gas I had left I 
applied it to to some nickel powder.  Nothing happened yet.

Frank Z

Re: [Vo]:OT [WIsconsin Politics] you have been warned

2012-05-16 Thread ecat builder
I vote for keeping Vortex politics-free, especially when it has zero
to do with the spirit of this email list. I'm sure most of us have
already decided where they fall on the political spectrum and are
perfectly capable of deciding what, and for whom, to vote for.

If you like politics (and I do) there are plenty of forums that are
more appropriate.

- Brad

Re: [Vo]:OT [WIsconsin Politics] you have been warned

2012-05-16 Thread Jed Rothwell
Thanks for the update.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:OT [WIsconsin Politics] you have been warned

2012-05-16 Thread Craig Haynie
I vote for keeping Vortex politics-free, especially when it has zero 
to do with the spirit of this email list. I'm sure most of us have 
already decided where they fall on the political spectrum and are 
perfectly capable of deciding what, and for whom, to vote for. If you 
like politics (and I do) there are plenty of forums that are more 
appropriate. - Brad

Hear, Hear!


Re: [Vo]:Any SLIders out there? I am one.

2012-05-16 Thread William Beaty

On Wed, 16 May 2012, David Jonsson wrote:

I am a SLIder myself. I can turn off some lights just by passing by foot or

I'm not one myself.  But I did get a chance to expound on my personal 
conventional-yet-crackpot bio-electrostatics explanation of some examples 
of the phenomenon:

  Lung-powered human VandeGraaff disease?  William Shatner's Weird or What

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. BeatySCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com http://amasci.com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

Re: [Vo]:Any SLIders out there? I am one.

2012-05-16 Thread William Beaty

On Wed, 16 May 2012, mix...@bigpond.com wrote:

Perhaps it has to do with the fair weather current, or in this case 
field. By walking toward the lamp the top of your head brings the 
ground closer to the lamp (because your body is filled with salt 
water, which is a reasonable conductor), thus changing the static field. 
The resultant high voltage change may be enough to trigger the circuitry 
of the lamp, causing it to turn on.

In that case, the effect would follow certain streetlights (not reported,) 
and wouldn't follow certain rare people (commonly reported.)  Control for 
very unusual height, rare types of shoe soles, etc.  One of the common 
stories is that a person turns off *strings* of streetlights one at a time 
as they pass under them.

If you notice a *single* streelight turn off, it might just be Anthropic 
Principle.  Meaning, that streetlight is slowly turning on and off 
constantly, but you only notice this when you're walking underneath, and 
then wrongly ascribe the cause as being your proximity.  Human presence 
causes the bulb to be noticed, because without nearby human presence, the 
bulb isn't noticed.

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. BeatySCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com http://amasci.com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

Re: [Vo]:Any SLIders out there? I am one.

2012-05-16 Thread William Beaty

On Wed, 16 May 2012, William Beaty wrote:

 Lung-powered human VandeGraaff disease?  William Shatner's Weird or What

Better link here: http://amasci.com/static/e-disease.html

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. BeatySCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com http://amasci.com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-762-3818unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci