subtitle: "The Nantucket Sleigh Ride-2010' aka 'Harpooning the Great 
aside:  "Methinks that Carl Jung may have more to do with Fractal Geometry 
Encoded Data-enscription than he might have thought were possible(if he had 
ever known of 'computer-software data-code enscription')."
1st Posit:  The TCW-Tachyon(speed)Carrier-Wave is a data-encoded medium.  The 
energy-formula for the TCW is {TCW>speed-density= E/C^3ubed x C^3ubed= 1E= 
The TCW Data-Code is embedded as FRACTAL-GEOMETRIC Progressive-code.
The TCW Fractal Geometric Code IS(potentially) accessable & decipherable via 
FRACTAL-GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS software designed to analyse the BACKGROUND-Field.  
?Query?-->Who is writing(will write) this software &/or who is underwriting 
this effort?
2nd Posit:  A single 'Dalai-Lama' is known by eastern 'psi-science' to 
sometimes 'reincarnate' as a GESTALT-GROUP who collectively  ARE the 
Dalai-Lama.  This phenomenon is called TULKU.
These TULKU-GESTALT-Collectives tend to 'find & recognize each-other' as a 
defacto function of 'psi-connectivity.'  They represent an unified symbiotic & 
synthesized SINGLE GESTALT organism.  The Tulku-cohesive 
gestalt/group-functionality would tend to exhibit a minimum of what 
we-westerners sometimes call EGO-INTERFERENCE within their internal 
BIG IF here:  'If' the Tulku phenomenon is a prozaic-quasi-normal function of  
TCW Fractal data-encription connectivity; then the notion of Dalai-Lamas 'only' 
exhibiting this Tulku-trait may be short sighted.  This Tulku-gestalt function 
may indeed be the NEXT EVOLUTIONARY STEP concurrently in progress of becoming a 
growning planetary reality.
RELATIVE to FRACTAL-GEOMETRY TCW Data-encoding:  I 'intuit' that TESLA's TULKU 
is on the planet as we speak & the 'whole' is much greater than the SUM of it's 
1st SYNCHRONUS LEAP of 'image'ination:  Disney's feature, "The Last Mimsy" 
explored this concept while eliciting 'much' more "delight-of-thought" than a 
mere motion-picture should have been able to stimulate.  ?Is this a 
'creative-function' of "harmonic-resonance" stimulation of the 
Planetary-Collective-Consciousness(Jung) via the Fractal-Geometric Data-Code 
within the TCW-Tachyon(speed)Carrier Wave, aka Aethyr, aka BACKGROUND-Field?
2nd LEAP:  Methinks that the newest 'reincarnation' of the original 'Star-Trek' 
a la' Spock/Kirk/Sulu/Uhura/Scotty etc. was(maybe inadvertantly-unconciously) 
SUBLIMINALLY harmonically-resonant/echoing this same TULKU-concept. (Aw-pshaw; 
this is fiction! Yea but much of 'Gene-Roddenberry's' past-fiction is now 
science-technological FACT~:-O) Perhaps 'Gene' is the 'Dalai-Lama' here and 
'Gene' was a 'reiteration/reincarnation of TESLA~;-). . . .
FURTHER:  Star-Trek implies the notion that even within a markedly altered 
tangential time-line(not necessarily perfectly 'parallel'), that the "Crew of 
the Starship Enterprise" INEVITABLY 'reincarnates/reforms' because of 
'INDELIBLY ETCHED UBIQUITOUS TCW-Data-Code'(mine) inexorably-ubiquitously 
PERMEATIVE/REPETATIVE.  This would be an extension of the principle of 
Harmonic-Resonance Pattern-Matrix encoded via Fractal-Geometric TCWave-Code.
*FOR INSTANCE(redundant):  DNA pattern-consistencies across Quasi-Infinite 
AexoBlackSpace reaches of myriads of other Universii-bubbles may show a 
much-more profound DATA-LINK/Pattern-sharing than we could ever imagine.  
Again; the connection a la' 'Spooky Action @ a Distance' would be SHARING THE 
DATA-CODE at the Light-Speed-Cube quasi-instantaneous speed of 
CONCLUDING ARGUMENT:  (conjecturally)-->  Within a Tulku-Gestalt-Group/team; 
their entire respective & collective life's actions & experiences would 
neccesarily be 'harmonically-resonant-connected' via the Fractal-Geometric Code 
TCWave.  All of their energies/energy thusly would be inexorably directed 
toward symbiotic-reunification.
Symbiotic reunification would inaugurate within the 'Tulku-group' an 
EXPONENTIAL QUANTUM LEAP within their collective depth-of-insight and ability 
to MAKE THEIR INSIGHTS into real-technology.
should call this something like "The Process of Gestalt-Synthesis" &/or 
"Gestalt Symbiosis."  Maybe we should just say something even more simple like 
calling it "Think Tank."  Or maybe we have already 'tagged' it with the simple 
'Moniker' of--->VORTEX~;-)~Jack Harbach O'Sullivan


"Eskimos rub noses; we 'rub' minds~:-)"

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