Display is  likely to increase to: 2048 x 1536

Most likely the same display size.

I wanna an iPad (jumbo), one that's picture book size! Approximately
8" x 12". IMO, there's a definite need for a bigger iPad sizes, and
smaller sizes too. IMO, certain charts and graphics simply don't view
well enough on the current iPad product, where one size fit's all
functions. No! It doesn't It can't! Larger size iPads would do well in
educational environments.

I'm sure Apple will eventually get around to creating several iPad
sizes. If they don't the competition will.

BTW, we have an iPad 2. Actually, it seems to me that after my wife
joined a discussion group discussing the art of weaving (ravelry) she
just sort of just one day took possession of it. What could I do! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

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