Lalo Martins wrote:
> And so says Reed Hedges on 05/09/05 09:44...
>>Has anyone else been hacking on Terangreal to build in unicode mode?
> actually, I have (see the thread "can't compile ter'angreal from cvs").
> With help from Peter and a lot of back-bending over wx documentation,
> this is what I came up with.  

>  void TerWxMainFrame::setStatus(const std::string& s)
>  {
> -    status->SetLabel(s.c_str());
> +    status->SetLabel(wxString(s.c_str(), *wxConvCurrent));
> -        nickentry->SetValue(avatar->getNick().c_str());
> +        nickentry->SetValue(wxString(avatar->getNick().c_str(),

Why use wxConvCurrent instead of wxConvUTF8?  I got the impression from
the wx docs that wxConvCurrent depends on the (GUI) platform, so on a
unicode platform you'd be telling it your strings from VOS were unicode,
when they aren't.  I only read the wx docs with a normal depth, no
backwards bending, maybe I am wrong :)


> +    avatar->getObject3D()->setOrientationHT(atof(rotx->GetValue().mb_str()),
> +                                            atof(roty->GetValue().mb_str()),
> +                                            atof(rotz->GetValue().mb_str()),
> +                                            atof(rotr->GetValue().mb_str()));

I think these ought to be .mb_str(wxConvUTF8()) ?


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