See my in-line response below

n schembr wrote:
I love using voyage. I have been running voyage on small systems for the last year, 240 days uptime. I now have an application that need more hardware. I'm running a stack debian system and most of the hardware is supported. I'm just starting to do my reading and need your feedback on the best ways build a voyage based system from scratch.
Actually, I am thinking about you just need a plain debian instead of voyage? If so, you should look at debootstrap or cdebootstrap. Voyage is just Debian with its own kernel, some scripts and trimmed docs.
Is the "voyage kernel" build still current?
No sure what current mean, the latest release kernel in 2.6.17_3.0-2, which is in unstable repository.
Can anyone fill in the voyage for scratch wiki page?
I will fill this up later, but it is built with the customization framework. Using voyage-base.etch.tar.gz as base. And on top, build with stage1 and stage2 profile.
Can I boot a stock debian kernel?  Etch or Sid?
Yes, I think you can try etch 2.6.18 kernel image.
Are there any issues with using a vanilla source  kernel from  what 
is the best way?
The best way is apt-get the kernel package from etch. But it will be 40MB of size.
What should I use as the build env?
You need a Debian env, most probably etch, and "apt-get install build-essential"
I need to have sata, ztdummy, SMP, UML... etc.  Is there a good way to do this? 
make Xconfig?
You will need to investigate that. Some are in-kernel feature, some are provided as external kernel module, some are userland utility.

Thank you for your time and help,

Nicholas A. Schembri
State College, PA USA


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