
I posted a question the other day and haven't had any response at all. 
Error relates to creating domains, and getting error "Create Domain:
open .qmailadmin-limits failed".

I've since started trying to understand the source.  I'm not much of a C
person, but it looks to me like the domain gets created before the
error, so maybe I could just comment out the section that's giving me
the error?

This is part of /usr/ports/mail/vqadmin/work/vqadmin-2.3.5/domain.c

This little section precedes the section with the error.
  /* add the domain with defaults */
  ret = vadddomain(domain, VPOPMAILDIR, VPOPMAILUID, VPOPMAILGID );
  if (ret != VA_SUCCESS) {
    t_open(T_MAIN, 1);
  } else {
    global_warning("Created Domain");
So it looks like the domain has been added ok.

Then this bit follows, with the error.
  /* setup the .qmailadmin-limits file */
  strncat(dir,"/.qmailadmin-limits", 156);
  if ( (fs = fopen(dir,"w+")) == NULL ) {
    global_warning("Create Domain: open .qmailadmin-limits failed");
    t_open(T_MAIN, 1);
Looks like it's just trying to open a file, in append mode if it's
already there.  So I'm not sure why it would fail this.

The /usr/local/vpopmail/domains dir permissions look ok.
qmail# cd /home/vpopmail/domains/
qmail# ll
total 12
-rw-------  1 vpopmail  vchkpw    34 Jun 19 16:00 .dir-control
drwx------  2 vpopmail  vchkpw  4096 Jun 23 16:23

I discovered that perhaps the vqadmin.cgi is the wrong user.
qmail# pwd
qmail# ll
total 82
-rw-r--r--  1 nobody    vchkpw    113 May 28 16:49 .htaccess
-rw-r--r--  1 root      vchkpw    113 May 28 16:49 .htaccess.backup
drwxr-xr-x  2 vpopmail  vchkpw   1024 Jun 23 16:23 html
-rw-r--r--  1 vpopmail  vchkpw    882 May 28 16:49 vqadmin.acl
-rw-r--r--  1 vpopmail  vchkpw    882 May 28 14:56 vqadmin.acl.backup
-rwsr-sr-x  1 root      wheel   73220 Jun 23 16:23 vqadmin.cgi
so I changed that...
qmail# chown vpopmail:vchkpw vqadmin.cgi 
qmail# ll
total 82
-rw-r--r--  1 nobody    vchkpw    113 May 28 16:49 .htaccess
-rw-r--r--  1 root      vchkpw    113 May 28 16:49 .htaccess.backup
drwxr-xr-x  2 vpopmail  vchkpw   1024 Jun 23 16:23 html
-rw-r--r--  1 vpopmail  vchkpw    882 May 28 16:49 vqadmin.acl
-rw-r--r--  1 vpopmail  vchkpw    882 May 28 14:56 vqadmin.acl.backup
-rwsr-sr-x  1 vpopmail  vchkpw  73220 Jun 23 16:23 vqadmin.cgi

And now things are even worse.  Still getting the same error, plus a
bunch more errors.
could not open lock file /var/qmail/users/assign.lock could not open
lock file /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts.lock could not open lock file
/var/qmail/control/virtualdomains.lock could not open lock file
Created Domain
Create Domain: open .qmailadmin-limits failed

Clearly the CGI needs to run as root to get permissions to play with
/var/qmail stuff.

So what should I do?  Should I try commenting out the whole section that
creates this file?

  /* setup the .qmailadmin-limits file */
  strncat(dir,"/.qmailadmin-limits", 156);
  if ( (fs = fopen(dir,"w+")) == NULL ) {
    global_warning("Create Domain: open .qmailadmin-limits failed");
    t_open(T_MAIN, 1);
  if (lusers!=NULL&&strlen(lusers)>0)
    fprintf(fs, "maxpopaccounts: %s\n", lusers);
  if (lalias!=NULL&&strlen(lalias)>0)
    fprintf(fs, "maxaliases: %s\n", lalias);
  if (lfor!=NULL&&strlen(lfor)>0)
    fprintf(fs, "maxforwards: %s\n", lfor);
  if (lresponder!=NULL&&strlen(lresponder)>0)
    fprintf(fs, "maxautoresponders: %s\n", lresponder);
  if (llists!=NULL&&strlen(llists)>0)
    fprintf(fs, "maxmailinglists: %s\n", llists);
  if (quota!=NULL && strlen(quota)>0)
    fprintf(fs,"default_quota: %s\n",quota);
  if (upop!=NULL)  fprintf(fs, "disable_pop\n");
  if (uimap!=NULL) fprintf(fs, "disable_imap\n");
  if (udialup!=NULL) fprintf(fs, "disable_dialup\n");
  if (upassc!=NULL) fprintf(fs, "disable_password_changing\n");
  if (uweb!=NULL) fprintf(fs, "disable_webmail\n");
  if (urelay!=NULL) fprintf(fs, "disable_external_relay\n");



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