Very cool who's volunteering to do the 3D VRML version of this story
Also given such a space on can also refer to all the dimensions with a
story-space coordinate system which might be interesting to use an input to
drive a story telling engine of some sort. This could be the story equivalent of
a color cube.


Michael St. Hippolyte wrote:

> I found the recent discussion started off by John's question ("What I still
> grapple with is how to ensure that all possible outcomes lead up to an
> equally satisfying story-telling experience...").  Piecing together ideas
> expressed by John DeCuir, Miriam English, Stephen Matsuba and others in
> various branches of the discussion, a taxonomy of digital storytelling
> emerges, based (appropriately) on a three dimensional matrix: degree of
> nonlinearity, degree of indeterminism and number of authors.  These three
> values, I posit, describe the forces which propel a story.
>                 number of authors
>                         |
>                         | nondeterministic
>                         |     /
>                         |   /
>                         | /
>          linear --------+---------- nonlinear
>                       /
>                     /
>               deterministic

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