ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
A Message from Allah 2-83-2
        Al Hamdu Lillah the most Gracious, Al Hamdu Lillah who gave 
us life and time to worship, Al Hamdu Lillah for the love He gave 
and made us witnesses. It is so sad how many pray today, reading Al 
Fateha at least 17 times a day, yet know little or nothing about the 
meaning of the words Allah gave us in this wonderful Sourah and 
gift. For those who wish to have a free copy of my small book about 
Al Fateha, please send me a message to my mail box, once you receive 
this 50 plus pages explaining Al Fateha, can you please help me 
reach millions of Muslims with this little knowledge Allah gave us? 
Come see Al Fateha better than any other time ever, come let me show 
you the beautiful words of Allah.       
Dear readers, again I warn you, if you dared to bring a message 
titled: A Message from Allah, please make sure you speak about the 
words of Allah, straight from the Noble Qur'aan only. As for today, 
we are still speaking about Ayah 2:83 that says:
"We made a Covenant/Promise with the children of Israel (Jacob), do 
not worship anything besides Allah". We said how Allah had a 
covenant with the Jews, and they promised not to worship anyone 
besides Allah that is. Then we asked the question: what is the 
meaning of the word Worship, also gave you a long time to answer on 
your own. Now I know how some of you did very well, others didn't 
even try to think about it, and some did not know what to say. 
Therefore, what is coming up next is assurance for those who did 
well, reminder for those who did not know what to bring for a 
definition to Worship, and a teaching moment for those who wish to 
learn. We are not putting you into a test, bottom line is: we are 
trying to push some of you to work hard and make Qur'aan their 
priority if at all possible. 
        Worship, what do we know of the meaning? Some think how 
when we say: Abid: ÚÈÏ, this means slave. Yes, for some, it is, but 
for others, it is not, why? Some people are Kafir (Disbelievers in 
the Ayahs of Allah), some of us are Muslims, but those have actions 
closer to Kufur (Disbelieving) than Eiman (Believing), and some of 
us do what they say, meaning: when they say: La Ilaha Illa Allah, 
they believe and apply it through worship, when they say they 
believe in what Allah said, then they apply that by studying and 
reading Qur'aan on regular bases, when they say they believe in 
Muhammad and the prophets PBU all of them, then this means they will 
follow their footsteps and how they used to worship. My friend, 
beware, Allah despises those who say, and do not do according to 
this (61:2).
        As for those who do not believe in Allah or His Ayahs 
(verses of the Qur'aan), those are Abid in the sense of slave, 
humiliated, miserable, and the worst example. Of course we cannot 
say: we are the servants unto Allah, or apply it to any group of 
people, Why? My friend, please ask yourself: what service can you 
provide Allah with, don't you know how Allah is needed by all, yet 
He needs no one at all? My friend, Allah served us with everything 
needed, and could not be served in anyway, so please stop saying: 
you are a Servant. How did this idea of servant invaded Islam, where 
it came from? See, Christians call their prayers and Sermons by: 
Service, they think by worshiping God they are doing a service to 
God that is how much they understand and comprehend. But we Muslims 
do know how worship being a service to ourselves, in doing so, we 
are seekers of Heaven. 
Yes, those ignorant who do not believe in Allah, also those Muslims 
who believe yet in their actions are closer to non believers, those 
are slaves, so humiliated, and worse than miserable. But as for 
those who believe and follow the orders of Allah in the Noble 
Qur'aan, those are in no way slaves, but are the worshipers. See, 
the word Abid in Arabic may mean: Slave, and may mean: Worshiper as 
well, ask yourselves: where do you belong my friend, are you a 
worshiper, or a slave, as a slave you are good for nothing?   
The best worshipers among us are those who can utilize their 
privilege of listening, the first step is in how to make sure you 
will listen when the words of Allah are being recited, by you, or by 
others too. By the way, this is also is an order from Allah, Allah 
says: when Qur'aan is being recited, pay extra attention and listen 
may you too receive blessing and Mercy, also Forgiveness. Listening 
is a wonderful quality, and the best of all listening is the one 
done for the words of Allah my friend. When we spoke about Ayah 2:3, 
we saw how Allah says: and from whatever Blessings we gave them, 
they spend. Therefore, we need to spend from the Blessings Allah 
gave us, meaning: He gave us eyes, how can we spend, simply by 
reading Qur'aan, and looking at the words of Allah, also when we see 
what He created from the mountains, and the Universe to praise Him. 
Hearing, means to listen to the words of Allah, and get used to 
doing it with your hearts and minds, also listening to everything 
related. Speech power spending is to read little aloud the Ayahs of 
Allah, also read it for others who need to learn correct spelling.
        In summary, the best usages of what Blessings Allah gave 
us, are the usages done for His sake, also Money as well is a 
blessing for some, a curse for the rest. Allah said: from whatever 
Blessings we gave them, they spend. Therefore, if you have a good 
Health, then are you standing at night crying in His presence, and 
praying, when all others are sleeping? Are you with your good Health 
helping the blind to cross the road, since Allah gave you good 
sight, are you spending from those Blessings for His sake? One of 
the most important qualities of Worship, is listening, so please 
listen to the words of Allah, and try to apply them to your life if 
you will.
        Next to hearing the words, worship is all about Thinking, 
Reflection, and Knowledge. When we study Worship, we need to think 
about it, reflect and ask: why worship is done my friend, also need 
to know how proper worship not ignorant one should be, most people 
are worshiping the wrong way, and to the wrong Heading. Allah says 
in Ayah 30:22: in this are Ayahs for Aalimein (those with 
knowledge). Therefore, knowledge also is a priority, for those who 
cannot acquire knowledge from the mentally retarded, or the too 
young to comprehend, then worship is not an order or an obligation. 
Worship is an order to those who can learn, and those who understand 
what they are doing. When reading Sourah 1 of Al Fateha, we read: 
Rabbul Aalamein, this word is also spelled like: Al Aalama'in, 
meaning the two worlds, which are the world of Jinn (Satan), and the 
world of mankind. This world is also spelled like: Al Aalamein, as 
most of us read it in our prayers, still when asked some will say: 
it means the universe, and that is not true. This word is also 
spelled like: Al Aalimein, or those who have knowledge.
        Fine, Ayah 83 warns us that we should worship only Allah, 
no one else. What is proper worship for Allah is all about, how it 
should be? Now in looking at the majority of Muslims, Al Hamdu 
Lillah, they are in a very miserable state, most of them do not 
worship Allah, or even care, especially the young who feel under the 
temptation of the West. Now, let us not speak about those, let us 
speak about others, those who pray. Looking at Muslims who pray, we 
see how they are divided, some pray only on Friday, others pray 
occasionally, some pray daily but not the full five times, some pray 
the five times but absent minded, and no concentration. The 
percentage of those who pray properly among us Muslims is so 
minimal, I am even ashamed to start guessing how many are they, or 
what is their percentage.
        See, different parts of the world dictates different times 
for prayer as well, like at the UAE, prayer is done one hour after 
Saudi, half an hour before Iran, and one full hour behind Pakistan, 
which gave me times without a number to watch prayer done on TV from 
Egypt for instance which is two hours behind UAE for example. I look 
at people praying, I try with my limitations to read the minds, and 
what I see is so shocking. During the Friday Speech (Khutbah), some 
are praying and do not pay attention to what is said as if Friday is 
like any other day, some even sleep as if this is the time for a 
good Nap, or even go to deep sleeping and snoring pushing others to 
waking him, I see fathers so ignorant brining their little children 
to play in the Masjid without teaching them respect to the house, 
and I see a lot more. 
        We are in a dangerous shape, we come to Masjids not led by 
the words of Allah, but by what our Mazhab teaches, which is so 
different from those around us, and creates hate among the one body, 
and destroys the nation. Let us speak more next time about worship.
ÑÈí ÒÏäí ÚáãÇ æÇáÍÞäí ÈÇáÕÇáÍíä æÇáÍãÏ ááå ÑÈ ÇáÚÇáãíä

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