ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
Are you A money lover 2-83-10
        Al Salaam Aleikum, dear readers, how many times you heard 
the call for prayer, why this call is made, what it really says, do 
you know what lies behind the obvious words coming through the 
Microphone? What about Tahiyaat (Durood), where this came from, what 
does it mean, how it is a reminder to us on daily bases, do you know 
that too? Why we praise Allah in bowing, why we exalt Him in our 
kneeling, did you think about this? A lot more we are explaining in 
the book about prayer, and I challenge the best among you, you 
should find something new when you read the book, also some advices 
are included for those who have no mercy for others next to them in 
line, also many bad practices most of us are doing, and need to 
stop. Why you are not interested in ordering your free copy today, 
do you think you know all what needed to be known, you are dead 
        We spoke a little about the name of Allah in Al Azees: 
ÇáÚÒíÒ, the Dear One. Now looking at Ayah 2:260 when Ibraheim PBUH 
asked Allah to see how He revives the dead, Allah said: didn't you 
believe yet? Ibraheim PBUH said: I sure did, but jut to have a peace 
in mind, Allah told him to cut the birds, and call them they will be 
revived, then He said: 
æÃÚáã Ãä Çááå ÚÒíÒ Íßíã
"And bear in mind that Allah can do away with people belief, has no 
needs", yes my friend, Allah does not need our believing in Him, yet 
we have great need to believe. Open your heart for Allah, let Him 
Next part in Ayah 2:83 says:
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ÇáÞÑÈì æÇáíÊÇãì æÇáãÓÇßíä æÞæáæÇ ááäÇÓ ÍÓäÇ, æÃÞíãæÇ ÇáÕáÇÉ æÁÇÊæÇ 
"We made a covenant with the children of Israel (Jacob), do not 
worship anyone or anything besides Allah, and be dutiful and 
extremely good toward your parent, your relatives, the Orphans, and 
toward those who are in need, and talk to people in the most polite 
way, also do perform your prayers, and give out obligatory Alms", 
yes, Allah included Alms this time, what are Alms, and why in plural 
        One day I heard a scholar saying after he visited the West, 
I saw some of the practices in the West, I found it amazing, I found 
people who do not believe in Qur'aan, yet are doing what it says, 
and we Muslims are people who believe and do none of such. This 
statement from him came as a shock to my ears, and I started 
wondering, why the man would say such a horrible thing about us 
Muslims? My friend, we need to act smart, not just look like we are. 
It is true our Qur'aan is the only truth under the Heaven today; it 
is true our belief is the only right among all the errors done by 
mankind, all this looks good, but we do not. It is not enough that 
what we have to be as good as good can get, but how much of that is 
showing in your life and mine, that is what counts for each one 
among us. What came from Allah need no argument, but what comes from 
you should be always evaluated to see which way you are heading, 
remember not all ways lead to Heaven my friend, some or most ways do 
lead astray. 
I noticed how those who believe in inventions they made up; donate 
billions to survive and make their belief a great success, I see 
those who are holding to the only truth acting stingy, and acting 
cheep, when we ask them to give money to the poor, the response 
would be why should I? Well, let me give you the reasons, how about 
one thousand of them, would that satisfy, then here it is: Allah 
says do so, and if you do not obey Allah, you are in danger big, big 
time, are those thousand reasons good enough, or you need more to 
count a million of the same kind? In this same Ayah Allah told us 
how we need to take good care of those people in need, now Allah is 
saying give out Alms (Zakat), what is the difference between the 
two? Giving in both cases is done for the sake of Allah, not for 
what thanks people would give back, second, giving to those in need 
in obvious cases you were lucky to find, how about those cases you 
cannot reach? 
My friend, no matter how small this world gets, still only Allah can 
see the little Black Ant, on that dark Black Rock, during the 
darkest Night, walking about to find its way Home. You and I do not 
know where all those people who are in need are, sometimes we 
establish organizations to guide those to us, like the tower of 
light we plant on Shores, leading the lost in the Sea, those 
Organization lead the lost, and I do not mean those in need, but we 
are. Those organizations bring the needy where we can see, and reach 
as Allah ordered us. You still don't know where this tower is, are 
you still lost, how about obvious cases like Palestine, can you help 
those who have been put to starve by the terrorists of the world, 
including Israelis and the rulers of the US, can you send your help, 
can you see that tower of light to guide you to how you can send 
your money to help those who are fighting the nations of terror and 
the forces of Darkness on your behalf? Yes my friend, Israelis and 
the US rulers are leading the forces of darkness today against all 
of us. 
I know how Americans are not at fault, not all, except those who are 
in support to the demonic power at their Dark DC House. Yes, the 
order from Allah to give Alms is clear, and remember Allah does not 
obligate us beyond our toleration, whatever help you can send, go 
ahead and do it. Are you still lost, are you still looking for that 
tower of light? Fine, dear brothers and sisters who know where are 
those towers of light, please send me the addresses, and let me 
share with those who do not know how to find. Please if you know how 
people can send money to help Palestinians under economic sanctions 
for the wonderful Democracy they showed in the elections, not the 
stupid Democracy the West had in their twisted minds, please send me 
the names and the addresses of organizations that are helping 
Palestine under the terrorist Israelis and terrorists from the 
rulers of the US.
The father said to his children, do good at school, I will take you 
to the Sea shore, they worked hard, they made it good, happy was the 
heart of the father for the last time, he took his family to swim, 
Israelis took of with American sophisticated War Jets and killed all 
of the family members, leaving one child behind watching the crimes 
of Israelis and the US, then the stupid spokesman at the evil DC 
House came to say: Israel has the right to defend itself, those 
think all the people are stupid and can buy into their evil rotten 
stock, yet yes, many American are buying, many are so evil even if 
many others are so good, but they are not trying to stop the evil 
among them. What rights stupid evil house Israelis have, to kill 
innocents at beach side?
If we Muslims do not wake up, if we do not come back to Allah and 
the Noble Qur'aan, if we keep acting stupid, and not giving help to 
those who need us bad, the time will come when you as a father, you 
as a mother, will die in your child's arms, like this Palestinian 
child saw her parent die, by those terrorists who have rights to 
defend themselves against who knows what? My friend, it is obvious, 
the stupid who rule the US are competing to get a Noble Prize in how 
evil they could get. They help the terrorist Zionists Israelis at 
Palestine with all their evil demonic spirits, they invaded and 
destroyed Afghanistan and Iraqi with lies, they are trying to get 
Iran next, also Syria if they can, do not forget Hizbullah, this 
wonderful organization fighting the Terrorists from the Zionists 
Israelis at Southern Lebanon. My friend, one day the demonic rulers 
of the US, and those in support from Europe and Australia will wake 
up having the same nightmares they are putting us through, the rule 
says: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, we 
will wake up no matter how long it takes, and we will fight the 
demonic powers no matter how strong, we need them to keep the 
pressure till we reach boiling point.          
ÑÈí ÒÏäí ÚáãÇ æÇáÍÞäí ÈÇáÕÇáÍíä æÇáÍãÏ ááå ÑÈ ÇáÚÇáãíä

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