How Al-Arabiya got the Obama interview

How did a journalist for an Arabic-language broadcaster score the first 
television interview granted by President Barack Obama? Well, at first, Hisham 
Melhem, the Washington Bureau Chief for al-Arabiya, a Saudi-backed channel 
headquartered in Dubai, thought he was getting something else. Not that he 
hadn't tried -- like everyone else in Washington -- to snag the historic first. 

When Melhem's bosses in Dubai got a feeler from the White House on Sunday, it 
seemed that al-Arabiya was about to get an exclusive interview not with Obama 
but with new Middle East envoy George Mitchell. The previous Friday, Melhem 
began pressing for an interview with Mitchell after learning from his sources 
that the former U.S. senator and Nothern Ireland peace negotiator was heading 
to the Middle East almost immediately. The White House told al-Arabiya execs to 
be ready for a major interview on Monday. 

Shortly before 9 a.m., Melhem knew from the caller I.D. on his Blackberry that 
the White House was phoning him. As Melhem remembers it, "This man says, 'My 
name is so and so, and I'm either going to make your day or ruin your day. 
Would you like to chat with the President about 5 p.m. today?' I joked, 'I 
guess I can accommodate the President.'" 

Melhem says there was apparently an internal debate in the White House about 
whether it was the right time for Obama to grant an interview to the Arab 
media, but that when the decision was made, several advisors had recommended it 
be granted to al-Arabiya. The channel is seen as a prominent voice of 
"moderation" in the Middle East, preferring calm analysis to what many see as 
rival al-Jazeera's more sensational coverage. The Obama scoop came at a good 
moment for al-Arabiya, which had seen ratings falter during the recent Israeli 
war in Gaza as al-Jazeera provided blanket coverage of Palestinian suffering. 

On Monday, Melhem arrived inside the White House at 3 p.m. but Obama did not 
appear for the taping until nearly three hours later. Melhem says Obama put him 
at ease and the two schmoozed for awhile before getting down to the questions. 
After telling the President that his wife and daughter were enthusiastic 
supporters of Obama's campaign, the President took some White House stationery 
and jotted nice notes to them. When Melhem mentioned that he shared Obama's 
love of Chicago Blues music, the President beamed with satisfaction as White 
House aides tapped their feet impatiently. "There we were, two Blues fanatics, 
sitting there talking about Muddy Waters," Melhem says. 

Whether it was chemistry with the journalist or Obama's scripted intention, 
Melhem came away with an interview that amounted to an unprecedented reach-out 
to the Muslim world by an American president. Unprompted, Obama spoke about his 
own Islamic connections, noting that some of his family members are Muslims and 
that he had lived in the largest Muslim country, Indonesia. "My job is to 
communicate the fact that the United States has a stake in the well-being of 
the Muslim world, that the language we use has to be a language of respect," 
Obama said. 

Melhem had come close to an Obama interview before. He nearly snared a Q&A 
during then candidate Obama's visit to the Middle East last summer. 
Disappointed but hardly deterred, he pressed his source network again after 
Obama's November election victory. "I began pushing hard when I realized that 
he was going to be serious about the Muslim world in the first part of his 
administration," Melhem told TIME. The White House certainly knew who they were 
dealing with. 

Melhem, long a vocal critic of U.S. Middle East policy, says that he was 
touched by Obama's conciliatory tone and references to his Muslim roots. "You 
can feel the authenticity about him," he says. "The interview was his way of 
saying, 'There is a new wind coming from Washington.' Barack Obama definitely 
sees the world differently from a man named George W. Bush." 

Obama's aides cut Melhem off before he could finish all his questions, 
explaining the President had a dinner date with his wife. But it seems in the 
Obama White House, Arab reporters stand a good chance of getting more scoops. 
As they concluded the interview and shook hands, Melhem recalls, Obama told 
him, "There will be more." 

(Source: TIME Magazine) 

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