Refleksi: TKI  mempunyai status lebih baik di Malaysia karena serumpun dan 

Mar 3, 2007

Malaysia tries to shackle foreign workers 
By Baradan Kuppusamy 

KUALA LUMPUR - A plan by the Malaysian government to confine some 2.8 million 
foreign workers to their ramshackle living quarters in an effort to curb rising 
crime rates has outraged critics, who describe the move as a deplorable act of 
discrimination against an already vulnerable migrant community and a violation 
of international labor regulations. 

Foreign workers, opposition lawmakers, trade union officials and human-rights 
activists have come together to denounce the controversial plan, scheduled to 
be tabled in parliament in March. "The plan discriminates and promotes 
prejudice against migrant workers. It is unbelievable," said Irene Fernandez, 
executive director of Tenaganita, a non-governmental organization dedicated to 
helping migrant workers. "These measures are against international labor rules 
and codes." 

The measures are said to be part of a major policy shift in the government's 
management of foreign workers from the Human Resources Ministry to the Home 
Affairs Ministry which, some critics say, blanket categorizes migrant workers 
as a security problem. Under the proposed legislation, many functions 
traditionally handled by the Human Resources, Tourism and Health ministries 
will now come under Home Affairs, which oversees police, international security 
and the People's Volunteer Corps. 

There are currently an estimated 800,000 undocumented migrant workers in the 
country. Under the plan, the workers, mostly employed in the construction, 
manufacturing and plantation sectors, will be confined to their ramshackle 
quarters - known locally as kongsi - which usually consist of zinc roofing 
sheets and plywood and are located inside or near their workplaces. The 
proposed rule will apply even on their days of rest, when many off-duty workers 
head for the cinemas, shopping complexes or beer parlors. 

If the new law is passed, it will see them confined to their quarters unless 
they have express permission from their employers to leave their workplaces. 
Employers will also be required to keep a logbook detailing the daily movements 
of their foreign employees for spot inspections by police. "This way we can 
keep track of the workers and arrest them if they are involved in crime," said 
Musa Hassan, the inspector-general of police. 

Xenophobic blame game 
While police statistics reveal that serious crime in Malaysia climbed 40% 
year-on-year in 2006, only 2% of criminal incidents were directly attributable 
to foreign workers. However, the state-controlled media, nationalistic 
lawmakers and the general public frequently blame foreign workers, who account 
for 12% of the total workforce of 12 million. 

The bulk of the blame falls on Indonesians, who form 65% of the foreign 
workforce, followed by Bangladeshis, Nepalis, Indians and Vietnamese. Police 
estimate that an additional 700,000, mostly Indonesians, are employed in 
Malaysia without valid work documents. The new proposed measures have come 
under heavy criticism, with international rights groups, including London-based 
Amnesty International (AI), which has said migrant workers, like ordinary 
people, are entitled to fundamental rights enshrined in the Universal 
Declaration of Human Rights and in Malaysia's own constitution. 

"This includes the right to liberty and security; to equality before the law 
without discrimination, the right to freedom of movement as well as to the 
presumption of innocence," said AI country director Josef Roy Benedict. "These 
measures are themselves human-rights violations and a form of punishment," he 
said, adding that a person's liberty can be suspended only if he is proved to 
have committed a crime that warrants imprisonment by a court of law and after a 
fair trial. 

AI warned that the use of migrants as scapegoats for criminal acts will 
increase racial and xenophobic prejudice against the migrant community in 
Malaysia. The US-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) also condemned the government's 
plan to, what it said "virtually locks up workers". In a statement, the rights 
group said the resulting isolation would also put migrant workers at risk of 
other abuses. 

"Instead of improving the situation, Malaysia's proposed foreign worker bill 
will dramatically worsen the situation," said Nisha Varia, senior researcher on 
women's rights in Asia for HRW. "It's shocking that Malaysia is even 
considering such a proposal that would give employers freedom to lock up 

Even the semi-official New Straits Times daily newspaper voiced apprehension, 
saying it is questionable whether controlling the movement of foreign workers 
will "quell the rising tide of crime". "The question is whether confinement 
would be a justifiable pre-emptive measure - in terms of fair treatment of the 
foreign workers and the extra responsibilities that would be visited upon the 
employer to make sure that his workers stay confined, and presumably out of 
mischief," the daily said in a February 20 editorial. 

"In addition, the cramped and sometimes deplorable living conditions in the 
typical kongsi are hardly conditions one should want to confine workers 
within," the daily said. "Such well-meaning solutions may work in an ideal 
world. But in the present circumstances, given the sheer numbers and 
distribution of foreign workers in Malaysia and the remoteness of many 
worksites using these workers, such measures might not only be unenforceable 
but might well create new problems without solving the ones they target." 

Critics note that existing rules already severely restrict migrant workers. For 
instance, they are barred from marrying local women, opening bank accounts, 
changing jobs or traveling. "They are constantly stopped, questioned and 
arrested even when they have valid documents," said Fernandez. 

Foreign workers, too, have expressed dismay at the open discrimination. "This 
is a form of slavery," said Ahmed Badulla, 27, an iron foundry worker from 
Pakistan. "We are so busy working day and night to send money home. How can we 
commit crimes?" 

His Pakistani co-worker, Tajul Mohideen, added: "This country is very rich and 
there are lots of jobs, but there is a lot of discrimination too." 

(Inter Press Service

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