Shot, then buried alive in honour killings

Buried alive .... Pakistani human rights activists hold a protest.
Photo: AFP

September 2, 2008 - 6:31AM

Pakistan has opened an investigation into the killings of five women who tried 
to choose their own husbands, after a provincial lawmaker defended their deaths 
as a "centuries-old tradition".

The women, three of whom were teenagers, were shot, thrown into a ditch and 
buried alive more than a month ago in what authorities have said they suspect 
were "honour killings". Authorities say they have arrested three relatives of 
the women in connection with their deaths.

It is considered an insult in some conservative regions of Pakistan for women 
to have affairs or marry without consent, and rights groups say hundreds are 
killed by male relatives every year.

The killings - which apparently occurred after the women defied tribal elders 
and asked a civil court to marry at least three of them - were raised in 
parliament on Friday, prompting a lawmaker from Baluchistan province to say: 
"Only those who indulge in immoral acts should be afraid."

"These are centuries-old traditions and I will continue to defend them," Israr 
Ullah Zehri, who represents the province where the women died, told the chamber 
on Saturday.

His remarks - even more than the killings themselves - outraged his fellow 
lawmakers and spurred protests as well as promises of an investigation.

The highest court in the largely tribal region ordered an inquiry as parliament 
demanded the perpetrators be brought to justice. Asif Warraich, Baluchistan's 
police chief, announced the same day that three suspects were arrested, adding 
they were related to the victims and had allegedly confessed.

About 60 activists demonstrated outside the federal parliament in Islamabad, 
shouting: "Burying women alive is no honour!"

"We condemn this barbaric act," said Mohammed Ibrahim, a senator for the 
Islamist Jamaat-e-Islami party. "This is against Islam, against humanity and 
against civilised culture."

Sanaullah Baloch, a nationalist leader from Baluchistan, denied that such 
brutal justice was embedded in local culture.

He blamed the government for failing to provide better health and education 
services to women and girls in the south-western province, which remains 
impoverished despite rich mineral resources.

"Socially and economically marginalised society is always frustrated," Baloch 
told Dawn News television today.

Human rights groups say the women were abducted at gunpoint by six men in the 
remote village of Baba Kot, forced into a vehicle and taken to a field, where 
they were beaten and shot. Rights activists say they were then covered with 
rocks and mud while they were still breathing.

The deaths took so long to investigate, rights groups allege, because members 
of a powerful political family in the province were involved.

Though many honour killings are believed to go unreported, the Human Rights 
Commission of Pakistan said at least 174 women were victims of such crimes 
nationwide in 2005, 270 in 2006 and 280 in 2007.

The figure in the first five months of 2008 alone stands at 107, it said. 
Rights groups complain that few of the culprits are convicted.



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