     2006 Candidate Application Rules & Materials

      King Faisal Foundation

      The 2006 KFF Scholarship competition has officially started. The deadline for the 2006 Scholarship is May 15.

            May 15
           Application Deadline.
            June 14
           Announcement of Semi-Finalist, interview dates & locations.
            July 15
           2006 King Faisal Scholars Announcements
            Completed applications must be received by KFF by the application deadline. Faxed applications are not accepted.

            KFF invests in Muslims of distinguished academic ability to complete their higher education in science, medicine or engineering at prestigious universities globally and aspire to return to their communities to contribute to its advancement.


              a.. To enable Muslims to complete their higher education in science, medicine or engineering.

              b.. To contribute to the advancement of knowledge in science, medicine and engineering in Muslim societies.

              c.. To raise the social and economic standards of each scholar and his/her society by providing superior educational opportunities.

              d.. To encourage Muslims to be ambassadors of Islam thus improving the perception of Islam in the West.

            The conditions of the scholarship award, application and selection procedures are as follows:


            KFF intends to award 20 KFF Scholarships in 2006 to outstanding Muslims from any country. The awards are tenable at any prestigious European, American or Canadian university, as well as universities in New Zealand and Australia, or any other industrially advanced country. The award covers two to three years study in science, medicine, or engineering at postgraduate levels. Scholarship awards are conditional upon university admissions, thus candidates must submit an official acceptance letter from the university before the application deadline.


            To qualify for the 2006 awards, candidates must meet all of the following requirements:

              a.. Practicing Muslim with sound understanding of Islamic Principles.

              b.. Obtained a minimum GPA of 3.5 from a 4.0 scale at undergraduate or masters studies.

              c.. Under 35 years of age.

              d.. Received an official acceptance letter from a top university for post-graduate studies.

              e.. Displayed foreign language proficiency (if required).

              f.. Sound physical health.


            The total value of a KFF Scholarship varies according to the selected university and travel arrangements. The Scholarship includes:

              a.. A personal monthly allowance to cover residence and cost of living expenses at the rate of US$1200.

              b.. All tuition fees paid directly to the university.

              c.. If required, a stipend towards the cost of preparation of any thesis submitted for examination.

              d.. One economy class ticket to and from the Scholar's country of once during the span of the scholarship.


            Married persons are eligible for KFF Scholarships, however, a spouse or dependant's allowance, or travel allowance for a male guardian traveling with a female scholarship recipient is not paid by KFF.


            As future ambassadors to Islam, with knowledge and sound understanding of their religion, King Faisal Scholars will strengthen their communities and contribute to its advancement whilst strengthening the true perception of Islam, globally. King Faisal Scholars are not only scholastic but they possess outstanding leadership and communication skills. They contribute to community services and uphold the best of character.

            KFF employs a three-step selection process to choose the King Faisal Scholars. KFF Scholarship management team will screen all submitted applications based on the objectives of the scholarship program and will select semi-finalist to be interviewed by international selection panels in cooperation with various Royal Embassies of Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabian Cultural Offices for the 2006 King Faisal Scholars. Subsequently, the KFF Scholarship Board will officially select the winners.

            During the selection process, the selectors will look for intellectual abilities, outstanding character and social contributions to society. The selectors will take into account the Scholar's academic achievements, other activities and social contributions to society. Preference will be given to those candidates who express a strong willingness to contribute to Muslim societies.

            Details of interview schedule including locations, dates, and times will be posted on the KFF website.


            List of semifinalists and interview dates and locations will be posted at http://www.kff.com on June 14. Semifinalist must confirm their interview by June 20.


            The award is to be used only for tuition, fees, books, room and board or other specifically approved expenses. If the Scholar receives supplements from the educational institute or from other foundations, institutions or organizations, the combined benefits from all sources may not exceed the costs of tuition, fees, books, and room and board as prescribed by the institution's cost-of-attendance budget.

            KFF has the authority to terminate a scholarship due to unsatisfactory academic performance or failure to uphold reputable character.

            Due to special cases, such as illness, a Scholar may defer receipt of the KFF Scholarship award for up to one year.


            Scholars' academic studies are of paramount importance and should be given the utmost priority. For this reason, scholars are required to maintain a 3.5 GPA from 4.0 for all semesters. KFF or its designated representative will be periodically assessing the progress of all scholars.

            Based on the objectives of KFF Scholarship Program, scholars are required to return to their countries or any other Muslim country to work in their specialized fields to aid in its development and advancement for a period of no less than the duration of the scholarship following completion of a KFF Scholarship. Scholars who fail to fulfill this condition will be required to repay all funds received.

            Scholars are allowed to work in the country of post-graduate studies for a maximum of 1 year after completion of a KFF Scholarship.



            Copies of the 2006 KFF Scholarship Rules & Regulations and application forms can be printed from the following links on A4 size paper. If appropriate, below documents and forms are also available in Microsoft Office Word 2003 format to be downloaded and printed (click on word icon below to download):

              a.. 2006 Candidate Application Rules and Materials (Printer Friendly version of this web page in html format)

              b.. 2006 Scholarship Application Form

              c.. Faculty Recommendation Form (2 Recommendations Required)

              d.. Recommendation from Islamic Institution Form

              e.. Language Proficiency Assessment Form

            The 2006 KFF Scholarship Application must be completed and submitted to:

                Scholarship Department
                King Faisal Foundation
                P.O. Box 352
                Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 11411

            The completed 2006 Application and ALL required materials must be received at KFF headquarters on or before May 15.

            All required materials must be endorsed by either:

              a.. a designated member of staff at the applicant's previous educational institute;

              b.. present employer;

              c.. an official agency in the applicant's country;

              d.. or by the Saudi Cultural Attaché Office at the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia.



              a.. Completed KFF Scholarship Application.

              b.. Social Strategic Plan:
              Analyze a current social problem in your area of expertise that is affecting your community. Your plan should define the problem, detail your solution and identify the major obstacles to the execution of your strategic plan. Your strategic plan should include your major players and true statistical data to support your case.
              - 800 word limit -.

              c.. Resume (page limit).

              d.. All official college transcripts of colleges attended.

              e.. Official acceptance letter for postgraduate studies in either science, medicine or engineering from a leading university.

              f.. Completed English Language Proficiency Form (if applicable).

              g.. Official medical certificate.

              h.. Three letters of recommendation.


            All items must be submitted to KFF no later than May 15.

            Faxed applications are not accepted.



Group Information
  a.. Members: 8604
  b.. Category: Islam
  c.. Founded: Sep 6, 2003
hidayahnet · eGroup For The Muslim Ummah (Malay)
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Hidayahnet is for Muslims to share their knowledge and discuss issues pertaining Muslim ummah. Postings either in Malay or English. We encourage participation from Malay-based communities such as from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei and whoever can read Malay.


{Invite (mankind,O Muhammad) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.}(Holy Quran-16:125)

Recommended sites:
Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia : http://www.abim.org.my
Jamaah Islah Malaysia              : http://www.jim.org.my
Radio Islam Kuliyyah                 : http://www.kuliyyah.com
Palestinkini Info                         : http://www.palestinkini.info
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera         : http://pk-sejahtera.org
Fiqh Siber                                   : http://al-ahkam.net/
The Muslim Brotherhood           : http://ikhwanweb.com

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