ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã
The Noble Qur'aan 2:89-1
        Al Salaam Aleikum, some of you still ask: why you are 
sending me those messages, and I say: my friend, I am sharing the 
meaning of the words of Allah with all of you, I am trying to bring 
Qur'aan closer to your hearts. It is wonderful that you believe 
Qur'aan is from Allah but this is not good enough, it is wonderful 
you are a Muslim but too short as long you do not understand what 
Allah wants from us, what is your believing worth if you do not try 
to understand the words Allah sent us, as if those words came to be 
placed on the shelves till the end of time, not to be placed in the 
        Most Muslims today are doing the wrong things simply 
because they do not read Qur'aan or trying to understand the 
meanings of the words in the Noble Qur'aan, even some birds speak 
words that they do not understand. Do you think a Parrot saying Good 
Morning understands what they say or mean that, please do not be 
like talking birds in regards to the words of Allah? Please come to 
the Noble words of Allah, please help me share the wonderful 
meanings of those words with all Muslims that you know of all over 
the world, and please bring others, and share with them what we are 
doing for the sake of Allah, can you do at least this much, if you 
do not have time or the will, tell them to come to me, I will send 
them Insha Allah, or give their address?  
        Today we are going to speak about Ayah 2:89 Insha Allah:
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"and when they were given a book from Allah attesting to what they 
have", what are the meanings of those words? We have noticed how 
Allah mentioned specifically Jews in Sourah 2 so far, 89 Ayahs about 
them mostly, and now Allah is saying: when Qur'aan came to them 
attesting to what they have, how Qur'aan attests to what they have? 
My friend, I will keep repeating this till I reach the world, Jews 
are not the people of the book today, even if they were 1400 years 
back. However, though a lot have changed about Israelis, in the 
1500s after Isa (Jesus) PBUH, Israelis and Christians collected an 
amount of their books and dismissed those books as non Canon, or not 
from the LORD, they decided as usual what is from God and what is 
        Most of what Qur'aan attested to was deleted, taken out, 
and considered as blasphemy against the LORD. However, let us not 
speak about Israelis today who became about 80% complete Atheists 
and do not believe in any Deity of any kind, yet some say with 
ignorance: God is with Israel, and those are the people of God even 
today, in their Atheist state of mind. Why some would believe any 
God would take Atheists as his own people, or God is with Atheists 
who hates his Guts? Let us speak about those Israelis and Jews 1400 
years back during the time when Qur'aan came to them through 
Muhammad PBUH. During those times, Jews had remnants left over from 
the true teachings of Moses and David also the prophets PBU all of 
them, however, they did not believe in the message of beloved Isa 
(Jesus) PBUH, before Muhammad PBUH brought Qur'aan, and still they 
do not believe even after 2000 years since Isa brought the Injeel 
from Allah. 
Imagine, Christians have no clue that Isa PBUH had a book from Allah 
named the Injeel, though it is mentioned in their so called New 
Testament, how? If we read The book of Revelation 1/1 that says: The 
revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto 
his servants, which must shortly come to pass. Christians do not 
understand what those words mean, they think this is about what 
books of Hadeeth written about Jesus by Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, 
while the verse says: Revelation given to Jesus, not Revelation 
written about the man. Therefore, my friend, stop calling what 
Christians have today by the Injeel, they call it by Bible, while 
nowhere in their books the word Bible is mentioned, they call it New 
testament, and this also is non Biblical name, the true names are 
the books according to men like those we mentioned above. Please 
stop calling their book by Injeel, because it is not, as I said: 
Injeel is a book given to Isa PBUH, not books of hadeeth written 
about the man.  
        On the other hand, though the books in Israeli hands today 
differ than what they had during Muhammad's time, yet; let us give 
an example of the truthfulness of the words of Allah, even today if 
you do not mind. I have written a book and called it by:
Jewish-Christian Testimony
Islam is the Religion from the LORD
This book is ready, waiting till I find some financial help to put 
it out Insha Allah to the world, and still waiting for the last 
three years, because I could not find someone to help me 
financially, and I do not have the financial power to do this on my 
own, though I promise to give 50 % of my profits for anyone who wish 
to make money from that book. Since even after all what Israelis 
cancelled, even after all the alterations and the changes they made 
to their books, bringing what they wrote instead to replace what 
they had, still we have a complete Testimony today in the books Jews 
and Christians sacred, and believe to be from God. If this is the 
case, imagine how closer Qur'aan was to what really was in their 
hands 1400 years back? 
Yes, imagine, 1400 years, a huge effort to change what they have, 
yet Allah is greater and above, and His words stay firm even today 
in the wonderful truthfulness that they have, we have Qur'aan 
speaking and attesting to the very minute little truth that still 
exists in their hands even today, believe it or not. This Testimony 
make us wonder, since Islam is the right path to the LORD that they 
believe in, and since only Muslims follow the true teachings of 
their books, while they are way off in how they practice what they 
believe in, why they want to convert us, why they call us by evil 
names such as Fascists, or calling us by Terrorists, why they 
invaded many of our countries like Palestine, Iraqi, Afghanistan, 
and today Somalia. Why they are threatening Muslims everywhere else, 
like they are doing again Iran, Syria, and Sudan, only Allah knows 
what is next in the evil spirit they carry against us. Then they 
come like naïve and ask: why they hate us? 
Why Qur'aan came attesting to what Israelis had? Some of them tell 
us: see; Allah is the Moon God that was worshiped with his daughters 
the Idols of Laat, Manaat, and Uzah. We tell the evil who say that 
about Allah: if you open the Jewish and the Christian books in 
Arabic versions, you will see the name of Allah mentioned everywhere 
they have the word God, thousands of times Allah is mentioned in 
Jewish and Christian books in Arabic versions, this means Allah was 
known since the beginning of time. Do we have to blame Allah if 
Israelis who knew Allah worshiped idols all of their sorry lives, do 
we need to blame Allah if Arabs who knew Allah worshiped Idols 
before the message of Muhammad PBUH, do we need to blame Allah that 
Christians decided to practice evil worship of the man Jesus PBUH 
who was just a messenger from the LORD, instead of worshiping Allah?
Well, looks like this is the sickness of their hearts, and looks 
like only education can heal their ill understanding about Allah and 
Qur'aan. If any of you think Christians and Jews will do the Job of 
reaching the world with the truth about Allah and Qur'aan, you must 
be as ignorant as Ignorant may show up. If you believe it is not of 
your business to educate the world about Allah and Qur'aan, then 
rest assured the day will come when you will show sorrows that helps 
none. Do your Job my friend, I am not asking you to do my Job, 
because I am doing that. If you do not know how, I am telling you: 
reach out with what I shared with you and will share Insha Allah, 
and that is good enough for now. I myself am doing a Job that needs 
a bunch of people to be able to accomplish, yet I cannot reach six 
billions on this Earth by myself without your help, please tell me 
when you will start helping me out? 
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