The War of the Women 

By Yahiya Emerick & Reshma Baig

A popular English saying says that "Hell hath no fury like a woman 
scorned." The meaning being that if a woman feels like something unfair 
happened to her, her anger will be limitless. I'm not going to say that 
that is necessarily true or not, but I have seen shades of it in the 
world-wide war between women who wear the Hijab (head-scarf) and those who 
want to oppose it. 

Why do I describe it as a war? If you have to ask then you haven't been 
paying much attention to what women talk about in public meetings, 
articles, lectures, and even among themselves. The battle consists, quite 
interestingly, of four distinct war-fronts. There are 1) the women who 
wear Hijab out of conviction that it is the Islamic thing to do. Then 
there are 2) the women who wear it only because their mothers and 
grandmothers wore it; unaware of its true Islamic significance. The third 
group, 3) the non-Muslim feminists, rally against anything that covers up 
even one inch of the female form, but we already expected this from them. 
And finally, 4) there are the secular "Muslim" women, who almost never 
practice Islam anyway, but who have Muslim names and roots, who make it a 
point to appear at all Muslim gatherings with hair fashionably styled in 
full public glory. 

For the sake of this article, one issue must be clear from the outset (so 
as not to ruffle the feathers of too many readers): An operative 
definition of the Hijab-wearing woman must be constructed. Albeit, as 
described above, not all Hijab wearers are alike. Women wear the Hijab for 
varying reasons. In reality, there also exists those noble and true Muslim 
sisters who wear Hijab because it is Islamically correct. They perceive it 
as intrinsically empowering. In addition, the Hijab is not a facade (the 
"I'll wear Hijab then do whatever I like" attitude). The operative 
definition of a true Hijab wearing Muslim woman is one who correctly 
follows the guidelines of Qur'an and Sunnah and whose only motivation is 
to please Allah. (Qur'an 33:59) This type of Hijab wearing woman is 
intelligent, Allah-fearing, overcoming the temporal trappings of the life 
of this world, and ultimately very happy with her decision. She is not out 
to please anyone except her Creator. 

Now as stated previously, there are the four groups in this Battle of the 
Scarf. But it's not a fair war. Although it would seem that there are two 
factions on each side, in fact, the culturally-based Hijab wearing women 
are no help to their Islamically-oriented sisters. The cultural 
Hijab-wearers don't look at their Hijab as an Islamic duty, but rather as 
an affiliation with some old-country culture. And in fact, they wear it 
only out of habit. 

Obviously, then, the daughters of such women, feeling more "American" than 
Arab, Indian, Nigerian (or any culture transmitted by family origin), 
never wear the Hijab themselves because it's just "culture" and thus the 
cultural women are no help in the Islamic struggle. Their own offspring 
become some other "culture" just as they are only motivated by what they 
grew up with themselves. 

Have you ever seen the women, walking in "full" Hijab, but then their two 
or three daughters, even if they're teenagers, are dressed completely like 
non- Muslims? It's incredibly common. I feel like asking those mothers. 
Why are you even wearing Hijab if it wasn't important enough for you to 
pass on to your daughters? 

So the Islamically-oriented Hijab-wearers are quite alone in the face of 
the assault by the feminists/secular "Muslimahs". The relationship between 
those two erstwhile allies is strange. The agenda of the Western feminists 
has always been puzzling. They cry about equality and respect but then 
push for things that dehumanize women and put them at the mercy of 
merciless men. They'll say women should be respected for their minds 
rather than for their bodies, but then they'll say that women should go 
around in mini-skirts and g- strings. It's funny how some ultra-Feminists 
argue with pride that the only professions in which women earn more money 
than men are prostitution and fashion modeling--then, while complaining 
against violence towards women, they try to encourage more women to be 
"empowered" by disrobing (utilizing work- place fashions that place more 
emphasis on the female figure rather than intelligence and 

Men are an aggressive lot. If you take away clothes from a woman, the man 
is not suddenly going to start respecting her. Rather he's going to take 
it as a green light to chase after her. It's interesting how so many male 
fashion designers are worshipped by Western, European, and now even 
"Muslim" women. (Armani, De La Renta, Gucci, Mizrahi, Lauren, etc...) 

It doesn't take an analyst from Fashion Avenue to figure out that a man 
will design clothes for women that fits one main criteria: That the outfit 
be pleasing and attractive to the eyes of a man. From this arises the 
catch- phrase: "powerful and sexy". Some cultural "Muslims" with more of 
an interest in fashion (rather than their love for Allah) heed the call of 
Vogue, Glamour, and Cosmopolitan rather than the guidelines for dress in 
the Qur'an and Sunnah. 

Unfortunately, both "Muslim" men and women have fallen prey to the 
paradigms of worldly dressing. (Is it really dress for success or dress 
for sex?). Some brothers are ashamed of their wives and daughters wearing 
the Hijab in public (the "you look too dowdy with that thing on your head" 
syndrome.) Some women discourage their own Muslim sisters from wearing the 
Hijab saying that they'll "never succeed" or "just look old-fashioned and 
oppressed", or as I've overheard time and time again, "you only need to 
wear Hijab on Eid or at Jumu'ah prayer". 

It must be added here that Muslim women are not being encouraged to dress 
dowdy, sloppy, or out of the "mode". It is merely being asserted that what 
is touted as fashionable is not necessarily empowering--or flattering-- in 
the real sense of the word. Islam arrived on the scene more than 1400 
years ago to fortify a woman's dignity; introducing the concept of 
"covering the parts that elicit desire". Time and time again it is 
implored that "Allah is beautiful and loves beauty." Our Creator made us 
beautiful and the dictates of "modern" fashion morph that beauty into 
something exploitative and ugly. 

The feminists say that women should be free and independent, never relying 
on any man. So the message men extract from this is that now they can have 
as many lovers as they want and never have to be tied down to one woman 
ever again. Consequently, a woman who dates can expect to go from man to 
man for twenty years or more before she can succeed in tying one down in 
marriage. And now women have to dress even more alluring to attract men, 
and have to work harder to keep them around lest the "roving eye" spots 
another, younger, prettier catch. Women, as polls have shown, are more 
harried, stressed and suffering from acute eating and other disorders than 
ever before. 

Feminists say that all spiritual traditions are male-oriented and have 
worked to keep women down. While this may be true in the case of 
Christianity, Hinduism and Judaism, these feminists have no knowledge of 
Islam. All they see is the stupid, chauvinistic cultural traditions of 
backward X,Y or Z Muslim country and they equate that with the teachings 
of Islam. Then pseudo- scholars from the West quote ayat and Hadith out of 
context and paint a picture of a barbaric religion which seeks death for 

On the same level, there are also ethnic "Muslim" women out there who do 
more to disparage Islam and present apologetic misinformation than their 
non-Muslim associates. Case in point: In a recent New York Times article 
about the growing number of Hijab wearing women in America, a "Muslimah" 
doctor from Chicago is quoted as saying that "Hijab has nothing to do with 
Islam." Her justification was that she was from Pakistan and it's not 
important over there. This makes one wonder: Which version of Islam is 
that? Oh, the abridged version. (Qur'an 33:64-68) 

At the same time there is the wave of Muslimahs in America who assert 
their identities as Muslims and are cognizant that the Hijab is a 
requirement. These are the sisters on the frontlines who you see in 
various workplace settings with their Hijabs. The Hijab, as many sisters 
have commented, changes everything. Peoples are compelled to see you as a 
Muslim and therefore must assess their own feelings about Islam and 
Muslims. Ill feelings and sincere understanding of the faith are put 
through the sieve that is the Hijab. 

You can imagine the outrage feminists feel when they hear that women are 
leaving "liberated" Western-secular culture and accepting Islam. I once 
overheard one feminist say, "Why are they entering a religion that will 
oppress them." It is so wired. If a woman walks down the street in a 
french- style head-wrap, nobody blinks an eye. If an old woman has a scarf 
or net wrapped around her head, nobody even looks. But the minute a woman 
walks in public with a scarf worn in typical Muslim style, people, women 
mostly, absolutely freak out. Otherwise nice women will start muttering 
insults or even yelling. 

Of course, no one says anything bad when they see a statue of Mary wearing 
a veil- and she always has a veil on. And no one yells at nuns, many of 
whom dress more Islamically than most Muslim women. So why the anger at 
the Hijab? You know, there's an interesting experiment you can try, and it 
may also save you from committing sins. Whenever a pretty girl walks by, 
almost every man looks at her, right? In Islam this is discouraged, for 
obvious reasons. But the next time you see a pretty woman walking by a 
stationary group of people, don't look at the pretty woman, (save yourself 
from a sin,) instead, look at the faces of the other women as the pretty 
woman passes by them. You'll be amazed to see that it's the women who are 
most blatantly and closely watching the young debutante prance by. And the 
glances of the women will follow long after the men have lost interest. 

It's amazing! Women judge each other by their looks and appearances more 
than you would imagine. Especially non-Muslim women, who see the new 
female as a potential rival for male attention. When a Muslim woman, 
dressed according to her conscience, walks by, you see these same women 
grimace and make ugly faces. Why are they so threatened by a covered woman 
even more so than a half-naked one? 

Because the half-naked woman is only a rival for a man. The covered woman 
is a direct challenge to any woman's whole being, sense of self and way of 
life. A modestly dressed, covered woman is a walking, talking challenge to 
the women (and men) who are sacrificing their Akhira for success on the 
terms of Dunya. A woman in Hijab who is a functioning member of society is 
a clarion call to everyone around her. She symbolizes a woman who is 
empowered by Allah (swt) rather than by the shabby, eclectic, 
pop-cultural, spiritually bankrupt throngs who pass as the icons of 
contemporary society. 

The average non-Muslim woman sees nothing wrong with unmarried sexual 
relations, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, dancing with men, walking 
around half-naked, maybe taking drugs, gossiping, lying, using foul 
language, etc... (Who are all those immigrant Muslim men who race to marry 
such women and ignore their noble Muslim sisters?) 

While the Muslim woman, in Hijab, radiates the exact opposite! She doesn't 
engage in those things and rather tries to be humble, self-controlled, 
full of nobility and goodness and spiritually motivated. Non-Muslim women 
freak out because they feel so much shame deep down that they are so 
rotten and unclean! (Culturally-oriented Hijab-wearers don't threaten them 
much because they usually are rude, loud and without inner-purity, as 
well. There is a style of Hijab and a look of inner-purity which 
distinguishes the conscientious Muslimahs from all others. You can see 
Taqwa in a person's face!) 

A Muslim woman, whose inner-purity is reflected in her behavior, is more 
beautiful than even the most sensually dressed non-Muslim. So many men I 
know have said this, both Muslim and non-Muslim! Men love to run after the 
easy women for "conquests" but they want to marry someone who is pure more 
than anything else in the world! Non-Muslim women are filled with their 
shame/rage and it makes them attack Islam and things Islamic with a venom 
more deadly than any Orientalist ever had. 

So many Western women, despairing of the lifestyle in which women have 
been reduced to mere sex-objects for men, are leaving the immoral 
lifestyle for the Islamic one in huge numbers. It doesn't matter if they 
find good husbands or not. They're accepting Islam because it's real, 
because it speaks to them as women. 

But still the non-Muslim women twist their hands in rage. Now, because 
there is a whole class of Muslim immigrants who grew up worshipping 
America and the West, associating its technological advancements with its 
values, the non- Muslim feminists have a useful new tool in their fight 
against the one thing that shows them how wrong they are. These allies are 
the women with Muslim names who don't practice Islam, or who at the very 
most consider Islam to be a praying and fasting "religion" and little 

These "Muslim" women, who may be victims of backward cultural traditions, 
think that the "Muslim" culture they came from is what Islam is about. 
Well, if that was true, I wouldn't like Islam either. I'm sure you'll 
agree that Muslims are sometimes the worst examples of what Islam 
categorizes as bad. But most of us are intelligent enough to realize that 
just because I have to pay a bribe to the policeman or if a woman has to 
abort her daughter in favor of a male child in the future-- it doesn't 
mean that Islam teaches that. 

But there are a whole class of "Muslims" who can't seem to make such 
distinctions. They can't seem to understand where culture ends and Islam 
begins; they can't seem to let go of cultural values and adhere to the 
teachings of the Qur'an; they can't seem to wash away the taint of culture 
to expose the illumination of Islam. That would require a sacrifice on 
their part. (Oh my god! If they followed true Islam they might have to 
allow their daughters to marry people of a different ethnic group. Can't 
have that now!) 

Already the feminists have destroyed Christianity and Judaism. Read that 
sentence over one time. Those two religions are now in the dust-bin of 
history, despite a cough from them every now and then, because they're 
effectively marginalized. The feminists, without even understanding that 
Islam is best for them, have brought secular "Muslim" women into their 
ranks to show the world that Islam should become as quaint and 
marginalized in society as Christianity is now. 
Just on a side note, you know how Christian missionaries are roving all 
over the world and making thousands of new converts every day? They brag 
about it and Muslims complain about it because countries like Indonesia 
and Nigeria are in danger of becoming "Christian" countries in a few 
decades. But wait a minute! Who are the Christians converting and who is 
becoming Muslim? 

The Christians are converting ignorant villagers, uneducated natives and 
people with Muslim names who don't know anything about Islam. While those 
who are accepting Islam are Jews and Christians- Westerners who are highly 
educated and have lived the secular way of life all their lives! The dumb 
become Christian while the educated become Muslim! There's some food for 

Back to the war of the women: How have the feminists used these "secular 
Muslim" women? They have convinced some "Muslim" women that the path to 
money and power in this country is through bastardizing your own soul. By 
conforming to the heathen wishes of the majority, you can achieve loads of 
worldly success. That if you're a working professional (in any field), 
that success can only be attained by ripping off the "oppressive weight" 
of your Hijab and donning a "powerful and sexy" power suit. 

As many Hijab wearing, practicing Muslim sisters have commented, the 
Western feminist ideology only hurts those who are ready to sacrifice 
their Next Life for the success of the world. Our practicing, Hijab 
wearing sisters have proved time and time again that they can wear their 
Hijab and become teachers, doctors, nurses, accountants, principals, 
economists, professors, etc... On the same level, without sacrificing 
their identity as Muslims; they are accepting the challenge of success 
while not simultaneously sacrificing their Islam. 

But the feminists have their ready slaves: there are "Muslim" women who 
are brought by the feminists to their seminars and meetings to give the 
"Muslim" voice (read: token "Muslim" woman who will lash out against Islam 
and emerge as the Renaissance Woman Who Emerged From Behind The Veil.) 
Because these women had no real belief anyway, they almost always parrot, 
quite shamelessly, the views of the feminists. Then these "Muslim" women 
become filled with the idea of a crusade against "oppression" in their 
ethnic communities. An Arab secular "Muslimah" will work her agenda in the 
Arab community; an Indo-Pak in that community, etc... 

It's easy for them to do this given that most of the Muslims who 
immigrated to this country are as of yet, unorganized and unaffiliated 
with any Masjid or organization. What's more, we shoot ourselves in the 
foot because some of our centers are run by people who are also secular in 
their outlook and just want to be important in the eyes of their 
associates. (Qur'an 9:107-108) 

The feminist "Muslimahs" set up clinics with free counseling (toward non- 
Muslim values), abortion facilities, women's shelters and the like. (They 
get grants from universities, local governments and feminist 
organizations.) They say they're helping, but by promoting values in the 
minds of the women they serve which are unIslamic, they really cause harm 
in the long run. 

They literally make it seem as if all you have to do is remove the Hijab, 
wear a mini-skirt and give up Islamic teachings then all your problems 
will be solved. When the root of the problem to begin with is almost 
always someone in their lives, maybe themselves or their husbands, were 
not following Islam to begin with! The cure can never be the poison. 

The culturally-based Muslim Hijab wearers are the most vulnerable. They 
are usually, and you know this is true, uneducated village-style women who 
will listen to anything that sounds "sophisticated". Their Islam is 
usually a mixture of folklore, cultural traditions, superstitions and the 
like. They are the majority of women in the Muslim world. They're not bad 
or evil or anything, they're just completely unaware of real Islam. The 
feminists and the secular "Muslimahs" want to "liberate" them into the 
great world of today's used, worn-out, vulgar, "modern" Western woman. 

The women who have either accepted Islam or who rediscovered it after 
living in a Muslim family are often quite alone. Those who love Allah by 
their own conviction and who seek to follow Islam truly are the enemies of 
the feminists, and by extension, of the Shaitan. The Shaitan calls people 
to forget Allah, to forget that they're responsible for their actions and 
to forget that this life is a short time of testing. He lures people with 
their animalistic desires and their cravings for the best in life. He 
whispers that there are no moral standards and that you can do as you 
please. Those who accept this call, whether with Muslim names or 
non-Muslim ones, descend to the level of intelligent beasts. (See Qur'an 

I have personally witnessed confrontations between those who wear Hijab by 
conviction and those secular "Muslimahs" who say it's not required. Every 
single time, the secular "Muslimahs" have utilized an insulting and nasty 
tone. Arguing with their worst faces. Of course, one of the signs of a 
hypocrite is that they'll get nasty in a disagreement, but then again, 
they don't accept the Hadith usually anyway, unless it seems to agree with 
their positions. (Qur'an 33:36) 

The Muslim women who don't yet wear Hijab, but who desperately want to, 
sometimes may become afraid of the mean-spirit of the secular "Muslimahs." 
Nobody wants to be pointed out and nobody wants to be yelled at. I feel 
bad for these women. Their hearts and minds are tugging them towards true 
Islam but the nastiness of mean, shame/rage filled people make them afraid 
to wear Hijab. And sometimes the conscientious Hijab wearers don't always 
know when to be gentle and don't always encourage their sisters in a 
thoughtful, sisterly way. This as a result of always having to be on the 

This war will go on for as long as there are women who believe in and love 
Allah. Many a Muslim man, whose own faith was weak, has fallen to it and 
pressured his wife or daughters not to wear Hijab. But in the end, the 
purity is the proof. A Muslimah in Hijab always looks purer than a woman 
in a mini- skirt. And a Muslimah in Hijab who practices Islam, will always 
be happier and free of shame, while a "liberated" woman has nothing but 
the empty standards of fashion magazines, western-style therapy, and empty 
and temporary "love" affairs to look forward to. 

There is one incident that we'll never forget. We were once at a Muslim 
youth rally on the east coast. There were hundreds of Muslim college 
students in attendance. As we were moving through the crowd we came upon a 
group of Hijab wearing sisters. One of the sisters, a young woman of about 
18 or 20 was stating, "One thing that scares the heck out of everyone is 
an articulate, well dressed, intelligent, and professional Muslim sister 
wearing Hijab". It's true. Because they present the alternative that every 
woman can attain. That is the real equality and the real standard of 
respect. (See Qur'an 33:35) The trouble is, so many people are so trapped 
in the sinful, immoral lifestyle of lies, substance abuse, 
irresponsibility and chaos, that their shame drives them merely further 
into rage. 

We know of one mother, a Muslim woman, who sent her daughter to an Islamic 
school in Michigan. The daughter opened her eyes to Islam and wanted to 
wear her Hijab outside of school, in public, also. But her mother, who was 
a secular "Muslimah" forbade her to wear Hijab saying, "I won't have my 
daughter being better than me." May Allah help us and the Muslim women who 
strive to please their Maker and ultimate judge. Amin. 

*** The authors would like to state that this article is not intended to 
disparage those Muslim sisters who do not take Hijab for whatever personal 
reason. It is understood that a sister will take Hijab when she is ready 
since there is no compulsion in Islam. At the same time, according to the 
Qur'an, Hijab is a fard and this fact cannot be overlooked. (Qur'an 33:59) 
Allah (swt) is the final judge. May he give us all courage. 

Yahiya Emerick's articles are reproduced here electronically with 
permission from the author. - H.A. 

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