From: zaidi habib matsah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date: Fri, May 30, 2008 at 2:53 AM

      Al Imam Al Qutub Al Anfas Al Habib Umar bin Abdul Rahman Al Attas :.
      "Dengan Sebab keTAATan Tercapai Segala Tujuan"
      "Manusia Dalam Dunia Ini Perlu MEMBERI Sedekah/Hadiah/Amal Jariah Walau 
Dalam Apa Hal Sekalipun"
      "KeSabaran Itu Baik KeSudahannya"
      "Syaitan Menyerang Manusia TANPA DISEDARI Manusia Itu"
      "Sesungguhnya ALLAH SWT Memberi Kepada Seseorang Itu,Menurut Niat dan 
KeSucian BATIN nya'

      Salam to All my Dear Brothers and Sisters,
      Madrasa Pesantren Putri Babul Khairat is an integrated female school 
which emphasizes on religious and standard academic syllabus located in a small 
town of Lawang in the district of Malang East Java Indonesia.It was founded by 
the late Alhabib Assyed Muhsin bin Umar bin Muhammad Alattas(May Allah bless 
him) and it has been operating for the past nine years.The student are from the 
Aitam(orphans),Dua'fa(helpless family),and most of them are the descendant of 
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W (may salutation always be upon him).
      Based on a free education system and refer to the Indonesia's economic 
situation,We,therefore, are in need of financial support from our Brothers and 
Sisters to cover the operation and the management cost.Any contribution  would 
be highly appreciated. ALLAH Khairun Jaza.
      We have intention to acquire a 30,000. sq meter of paddy land as Waqaf 
      The purposes of having Waqaf land are :
      1.To produce our own supply of rice by paddy planting.
      2.To generate income by selling extra paddy.
      By doing these,the Babul Khairat can lessen its montly expenses and we 
can be more resourceful.
      We therefore appreciate any financial contributions from our moslem 
brothers and sisters to us in acquiring this land(Waqaf Lillah).

      May Allah repay and bless those who wish to embrace the call of Allah in 
order to uphold His religion.

      Alfaqir BILLAH
      Zaidi Matsah Habib Muhsin
      Babul Khairat Malaysia
      +60193029685 zaidi habib
      +62811364630 umar bin muhsin alattas

      Gesaan sumbangan RM1.00 satu kepala
            RM1 setiap bulan kepada Palestin 

      Masukkan derma anda ke dalam akaun: 
      'Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia' 
      Bank Islam Malaysia - No. Akaun 12113010005797
      Maybank - No. Akaun 562209608847

      Disaster and Emergency Response Unit [Deru] Donation:
      Masukkan ke akaun JIM Johor di 
      Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad 
      Akaun no.  01014010010372

      Ikhwanul Muslimun


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