Hi all,

We are pleased to announce QtWebKit Technology Preview 1 [1]

This release features major update of WebKit engine, bringing in support for 
modern Web standards, performance and memory usage optimizations, lots of bug- 
and security fixes done by WebKit community since 2013, when Qt port was 
removed from the trunk of WebKit.

Here is a list of the most prominent changes:

New Web APIs:

* A lot of ES2015 features are now supported (82% according to [2] as compared 
to 10% in QtWebKit 5.6)
* Responsive images support (<picture> element, srcset and sizes attributes)
* ellipse() method in Canvas API
* CSS selectors ::read-write and ::read-only
* HTML <template> element
* WebAudio API

Other improvements:

* B3 JIT compiler [3] is now used on x86_64, providing impressive performnce 
improvements for computationally-intensive code
* JavaScriptCore now uses C stack, reducing memory usage and memory 
* JIT for CSS selectors is now available [4]
* New Web Inspector UI


However, not all features of QtWebkit 5.6 are implemented in this release. Here 
are the most prominent missing features:

* WebKit 2 and QML integration. Work on it is starting now.
* Support for Qt (QWebPluginFactory) and NPAPI plugins in WebKit 1 (widgets) 
* Private browsing API.
* Accelerated compositing (OpenGL mode works in private branch but is not 
merged yet, software mode is not implemented yet).
* IndexedDB and WebGL are not supported yet

You can find a list of known bugs at [5].


This release should be considered to have beta quality and is not recommended 
for use in production environments. However, it's already quite stable and 
could be used as site-speicifc browser or content renderer, unless your content 
is affected by aforementioned bugs.


Your help is very much needed!

If you want to have your favorite features to be implemented faster, don't 
hesitate to join our team. There are a lot of different tasks, and many of them 
don't require knowledge of WebKit internals.


This release was brought to you by Konstantin Tokarev (annulen) and Vitaly 
Slobodin (vitallium), with invaluable help of WebKit and Qt communitites' 

Happy hacking, and stay tuned!


[1] Source code: https://github.com/annulen/webkit/archive/qtwebkit-tp1.zip
    Or use qtwebkit-tp1 tag from https://github.com/annulen/webkit git 
    Windows x64 binaries built with MSVC 2015: 

    System requirements, build instructions, FAQ and other useful info can be 
found at https://github.com/annulen/webkit/wiki

[2] https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/
[3] https://webkit.org/blog/5852/introducing-the-b3-jit-compiler/
[4] https://webkit.org/blog/3271/webkit-css-selector-jit-compiler/
[5] https://github.com/annulen/webkit/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Abug

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