Further to my previous email - it would appear that there was a change in
the Fedora/Redhat build of wget that causes this issue. An upgrade to the
latest revision of 1.10.2 exhibited the problems and a downgrade avoided the
A workaround/solution is to use a trailing wildcard as follows
e: 20741; month: May; day: 25; time: 17:59:00 (no
yr); amex.20070525.gz
PLAINFILE; perms 766; size: 90; month: May; day: 28; time: 17:03:00 (no yr);
PLAINFILE; perms 766; size: 20479; month: May; day: 29; time: 18:02:00 (no
yr); amex.20070529.gz
DIRECTORY; perms 766; size: 0; mo
Hi there wget devs,
been using your fine tool for years and waiting for this change, but now finally I am fed up enough to write: wouldn't
it be quite easy to STOP wget from causing infinite traffic by downloading zillions of files like
index.php?c=2&sid=55fd19cb8611eb8e1f110f65dfe8c583 ? Those
Adrian Sandor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Thanks a lot Steven,
>> Apparently there's more than a little code in src/cookies.c which is
>> not ready for NULL values in the "attr" and "value" members of the
>> "cookie" structure.
> Does that mean wget is buggy or does brinkster break the cooki