Karl Eichwalder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In main.c I'm reading:
>   -E,  --html-extension      save all text/html documents with .html extension.\n\
> Concerning Unix this isn't a good terminology.  

Well, first off, Wget doesn't only run on UNIX.

> We don't have "extensions" but filename endings.  (MS-)DOS talks about
> "extensions".
> I vote to use "ending" -- as you might imagine ;)

I don't think I've ever seen "filename ending" used.  "Extension", yes.
"Suffix", yes.  But not "ending".  Perhaps in German you use a translation
of "ending", but this does not occur (to any noticeable degree) in English.

Like it or not, "extension" is standard (cross-platform) parlance in the
industry.  Also, it's more specific than "suffix" (which doesn't imply a '.'
in there).

Dan Harkless            | To help prevent SPAM contamination,
GNU Wget co-maintainer  | please do not mention this email
http://sunsite.dk/wget/ | address in Usenet posts -- thank you.

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