Just found this list and must first say a big "THANK YOU!" to all who help
make WGET for Windows possible.

I've tried doing

wget -O file.txt -i file.html

in v1.7 and v1.6 and in both cases the output file isn't a concatenation of
the URLs in file.html; instead it's just the output of the last URL in
file.html.  This wasn't the case in which cat'd everything properly
in Win98.

The URLs in file.html have the form of


[I'm using wget to give me all the subdomains [subdomain.foo.co.th] of all
the dmains registered by THNIC, in case you're curious.]

Is this really a bug in 1.6 and 1.7b? How to workaround or is there a patch?

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."
-- Jebediah Springfield

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