RE: A/R matching against query strings

2008-10-22 Thread Tony Lewis
Micah Cowan wrote:

> Would "hash" really be useful, ever?

Probably not as long as we strip off the hash before we do the comparison.


Re: A/R matching against query strings

2008-10-21 Thread Micah Cowan
Hash: SHA1

Tony Lewis wrote:
> Micah Cowan wrote:
>> On expanding current URI acc/rej matches to allow matching against query
>> strings, I've been considering how we might enable/disable this
>> functionality, with an eye toward backwards compatibility.
> What about something like --match-type=TYPE (with accepted values of all,
> hash, path, search)?
> For the URL
> all would match against the entire string
> hash would match against "content"
> path would match against "path/to/name.html"
> search would match against "a=true"
> For backward compatibility the default should be --match-type=path.
> I thought about having "host" as an option, but that duplicates another
> option.

As does path (up to the final /).

Would "hash" really be useful, ever? It's never part of the request to
the server, so it's really more "context" to the URL than a real part of
the URL, as far as requests go. Perhaps that sort of thing could best
wait for when we allow custom URL-parsers/filters.

Also, I don't like the name "search" overly much, as that's a very
limited description of the much more general use of query strings.

But differentiating between three or more different match types tilts me
much more strongly toward some sort of shorthand, like the explicit need
for \?; with three types, perhaps we'd just use some special prefix for
patterns to indicate which sort of match we want (":q:" query strings,
":a:" for all, or whatever), to save on prefix each different type of
match with --match-type (or just using "all" for everything).

OTOH, regex support is easy enough to add to Wget, now that we're using
gnulib; we could just leave wildcards the way they are, and introduce
regexes that match everything. Then query strings are '\?.*foo=bar' (or,
for the really pedantic, '\?([^?]*&)?foo=bar(&[^?]*)?$')

That last one, though, highlights how cumbersome it is to do proper
matching against typical HTML form-generated query strings (it's not
really even possible with wildcards). Perhaps a more appropriate
pattern-matcher specifically for query strings would be a good idea.
It's probably enough to do something like --query-='action=Edit', where
there's an implied '\?([^?]*&)?' before, and '(&[^?]*)?$' after.

- --
Micah J. Cowan
Programmer, musician, typesetting enthusiast, gamer.
GNU Maintainer: wget, screen, teseq
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


RE: A/R matching against query strings

2008-10-21 Thread Tony Lewis
Micah Cowan wrote:

> On expanding current URI acc/rej matches to allow matching against query
> strings, I've been considering how we might enable/disable this
> functionality, with an eye toward backwards compatibility.

What about something like --match-type=TYPE (with accepted values of all,
hash, path, search)?

For the URL

all would match against the entire string
hash would match against "content"
path would match against "path/to/name.html"
search would match against "a=true"

For backward compatibility the default should be --match-type=path.

I thought about having "host" as an option, but that duplicates another


Re: A/R matching against query strings

2008-10-21 Thread Micah Cowan
Hash: SHA1

I sent the following last month but didn't get any feedback. I'm trying
one more time. :)
- -M

Micah Cowan wrote:
> On expanding current URI acc/rej matches to allow matching against query
> strings, I've been considering how we might enable/disable this
> functionality, with an eye toward backwards compatibility.
> It seems to me that one usable approach would be to require the "?"
> query string to be an explicit part of rule, if it's expected to be
> matched against query strings. So "-A .htm,.gif,*Action=edit*" would all
> result in matches against the filename portion only, but "-A
> '\?*Action=edit*' would look for "Action=edit" within the query-string
> portion. (The '\?' is necessary because otherwise '?' is a wildcard
> character; [?] would also work.)
> The disadvantage of that technique is that it's harder to specify that a
> given string should be checked _anywhere_, regardless of whether it
> falls in the filename or query-string portion; but I can't think offhand
> of any realistic cases where that's actually useful. We could also
> supply a --match-queries option to turn on matching of wildcard rules
> for anywhere (non-wildcard suffix rules should still match only at the
> end of the filename portion).
> Another option is to use a separate "-A"-like option that does what -A
> does for filenames, but matches against query strings. I like this idea
> somewhat less.
> Thoughts?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
