Re: [Wien] Parallel LAPW1 job suspended without any error message

2023-11-15 Thread Peter Blaha
The .machines file you show is for k-parallelization on the local host only. Thus: i) mpi is not used and all mpi settings are irrelevant for this. ii) The k-point parallelization is stirred by the variable USE_REMOTE in $WIENROOT/WIEN2k_parallel_options If set to 0, you can run ONLY on your

[Wien] Parallel LAPW1 job suspended without any error message

2023-11-14 Thread heungsikim
Dear Wien2k users, I’ve recently encountered a strange situation in parallel execution of Wien2k (version 19). Normally I run wien2k jobs using OpenMP and they works without any trouble. But recently there has been a project that I need to run wien2k using k-point parallelization, and I am