2006/1/10, Jürg Studer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

• samstag finde ich auch gut, da sind wohl am meisten leuten möglich zu kommen
• werbung muss gut überlegt sein, alle gratiskanäle wären zu aktivieren (mitgeteilt im tagi, 20min, weltwoche, veranstaltungskalender drs etc.)

There is an international distribution list for press releases, among others with all the addresses of the most important 41 media of the german part of Switzerland plus 3 of the french part. The other addresses of the french and all of the italian speeking medias of Switzerland are missing at the moment. Question: Does someone have a distribution list for press releases in the french and italian part of Switzerland? If yes, it would be great if I could have a copy of these lists, so I could add the addresses in the international distribution tool and we'll be able to send our press releases without a big effort. Thanks!


Nando Stöcklin
Chratzernstr. 33
4803 Vordemwald
0041 (0)62 751 39 42 (P) http://www.nandostoecklin.ch

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