Hi folks,

As you saw, the initial call for participation for WikiDev16[1] calls
for session proposals to be in fairly early (due October 2).  Many
people have already submitted proposals.[2]  It's encouraging to see
this early activity for this.

Let's make sure we plan to talk about what needs to be discussed,
rather than merely what a presenter is comfortable presenting about.
In fact, the word "present" should be a bit of a red flag (where
"present" means "lecture" rather than "gift" and rather than "opposite
of absent")

I made several edits to the WikiDev16/Scope page today[3], where I
attempted to clarify what I think will be the best use of our
collective time.  In short, you'll see five different types of
collaborative engineering meetings: "Problem-solving", "Strawman",
"Field narrowing", "Consensus", and "Education".  While all types of
discussions are generally productive, for WikiDev16, we should
strongly bias "Problem-solving", "Field narrowing", and "Consensus"
meetings.  "Strawman" and "Education" meetings can happen online
and/or in the hallway track[4].

I think we could learn a lot from how the IETF does things, and I
would like to model the bulk of the first two days of WikiDev16 around
the IETF way of doing things.  The IETF sets the standard for basic
Internet infrastructure, meeting three times a year in meetings anyone
can register for and attend.  I’ve put in a request (T111306) to
purposefully scout the next IETF meeting to give us more knowledge of
their process.[5]

We should strive to show we can build great software in an inclusive,
consensus-oriented, open manner.  Let's use this opportunity to figure
out how to make Wikimedia software work better, and make it more
joyful to work with.


[1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Developer_Summit_2016
[2] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/tag/wikimedia-developer-summit-2016/
[3] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/WikiDev16/Scope
[5] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T111306

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