Hi all,

the win32 wiki at http://win32.perl.org is a mediawiki site where some
mildly interesting data on running Perl on Windows was to be found.
Lots of spambots have polluted the contents, most of the pages right
now are spam-only. Most of the links in the navigation either points
to pages that  no longer exist or that contain spam.

Who owns or manages the page? Are there any plans to upgrade/move the
win32 site already? Can I help?

I think it's fairly good to **have** a Windows specific Perl site cq
wiki and would like to propose to abandon the current site and to set
up a new site; because there's almost only spam on there and the
actual data that IS there is pretty much out of date. I'll be more
then happy to set up a new site, and populate it with content that I
can rescue from the site and maybe more. And of course if there would
be volunteers to help me, it'd be more than welcome.

Is there any infrastructure available? Should I sponsor infrastructure
for the 'new' site or can we re-use the existing server that runs

Looking forward reading your feedback!


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