-----Original Message-----
From: Suzanne Belongia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 4:25 PM
To: Poverty Roundtable (E-mail)
Subject: Budget Blitz (II)

Greetings, all and thanks for your phone calls and e-mails in support of the Budget Blitz.  I'll send more details as they develop.  For now, here's what I know:
Date:  Tuesday, February 25
Place:  St. Mary's Parish, Visitation Commons, 1303 W. Broadway
Time:  11:30 - 1:30
Lunch will be brown bag it, but we will provide beverages.  We already have some co-sponsors and I'll be collecting more in the next couple of weeks.  A couple of you have also volunteered to help in the planning, which I truly appreciate.  Anyone else who wants to do that can let me know.  The bulk of the facilitation and the training for the day will be handled by the organizers, who are being trained themselves on the 24th so the information they have will be the most up-to-date as is possible.  I am leaving for an out of town meeting tomorrow morning and will be back in the office on the 13th, so let me know at that point if you have questions.  Right now, the best thing is to get the word out to as many folks as possible, so please do that whenever you have the opportunity.  The space will hold about 80 and it would be nice to fill it; just so you know, though, our assigned goal for attendance is 50.  Fliers will be available in the next week or so.  More info next week . . .
Suzanne Belongia
Director, Parish and Community Social Action Office
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Winona
Box 379
Winona, MN  55987
507-454-2270 (ph)
507-457-3527 (fax)

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