
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rob Henningsgard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: venerdi 14 maggio 2004 20.32
> Subject: [WinPcap-users] Why is pcap_loop deprecated?
> Hello all,
> Can anyone tell me why pcap_loop() is deprecated?  I am writing
> a multi-threaded application in which I want to use (or simulate)
> overlapped IO, and pcap_loop() looks like exactly what I'd want
> to use.  The idea of a polling approach, looping on the call
> to pcap_next_ex() just doesn't seem like the right way to go.

We (WinPcap maintainers) believe that a polling mechanism is much cleaner to
understand and to use.
We can see that most of the people that are going to start coding with
libpcap/WinPcap have problems to understand the pcap_loop() (and the
corresponding callback function) mechanism.

So, we believe the pcap_next_ex() is much better.

Feel free to use pcap_loop() if you prefer that one.


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