Hey all,

2008/6/12 0xd34df00d <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I've been creating an application using C++/Qt which should provide
> web-interface. As I've noticed, WAbstractItemModel is very similar to
> QAbstractItemModel, so the simplest solution would be writing some
> kind of proxy class from QAbstractItemModel to WAbstractItemModel.
> Maybe the library would benefit if I try to write it in a reusable
> manner and then create some kind of Qt-Wt wrapper library? That would
> be a good start for that wrapper library, and interconnection with Qt
> slots could be added later, as proposed in Wt's wiki.
> So the question is: does anybody need it? And if yes, what
> recommendations etc. could you give?

It probably requires facing the immediate need before knowing what it
should really look like.

I could expect that a useful use-case is the use of
"application-logic" developed using QtCore classes within a Wt
application (next to for example a Qt application). Although that
would seem trivial, it turns out it isn't.

The good news: I just committed to CVS an example with some utility
classes that allows this on the lowest level, which is mainly
concerned with getting Qt's threading and event loop model to work
from within Wt. That allows the basic things (using Qt objects within
a Wt session, and using their signal/slot system from within the event

As you suggest, a "WQtItemModel" that implements WAbstractItemModel
wrapping a QAbstractItemModel seems to have immediate use. Note that
we plan to make WAbstractItemModel also support "tree-like"
functionality next to the current table-only functionality, and will
thus become even more like QAbstractItemModel.

We currently have no plans to provide tools or support for making it
easier to reuse widgets -- instead we will first try to improve the Wt
API to become featurewise a more complete subset of Qt's API.


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