I've been stuck on this for a while now.


I'm writing an installer for an application where I may want to create a
virtual directory depending on what features get selected and if I need to
create a virtual directory I want to prompt the user for which website to


I have WIX 3 working so that I can prompt the user with a dropdown box
populated by VB Script at the very beginning of the install process:



        <Custom Action="caTrySimpleVBS" Before="ChooseWebsite" />

        <Show Dialog="ChooseWebsite" After="CostFinalize"  />



If I try to make this UI appear after other actions or set the Sequence to be
a higher number then my UI just doesn't show up at all.


Is it possible to have the UI displayed AFTER the user has selected the
features they want so that I can not prompt them for a Website if they don't
need one?





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