

We are trying to create a number of installers, one for a common module website and a number for various add-on modules each of which will install a separate website but rely on the common module having been installed first.


We wish them to all install Virtual Directories to a common folder (ProductName) with the following structure:


Default Website






ProductName is just a folder, not a virtual directory in itself.


As Rob Mensching suggested in his response (http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=22817827) to a similar problem, we tried using the WebVirtualDir/@Alias to include the ProductName folder.


The installer completed successfully but under IIS management console, the ProductName folder raised an error when selected saying something about not finding a directory or path, but we could still browse its contents and the virtual directory was under it as intended with all the correct properties set. On attempting to browse the website however, we could no longer communicate with our database and event logging (using log4Net to the event log) also failed.


We tried separately installing the outer directory by doing the following:




<Directory Id="EMPTYDIR" Name="wwwroot" LongName="wwwroot">

    <Component Id="EmptyDirFolder" Guid="…" KeyPath="yes">

        <CreateFolder />

        <WebVirtualDir Id="WebVirtualDir_outer1"

                       Directory="EMPTYDIR" WebSite="WebSite"









<Component Id="WixWebVirtualDirComponent" Guid="…">                                   

    <WebVirtualDir Id="WebVirtualDir_outer"

                   Directory="EMPTYDIR" WebSite="WebSite"




        <WebVirtualDir Id="WebVirtualDir"

                       Directory="INSTALLDIR" Alias="ModuleName"




            <WebVirtualDir Id="WebVirtualDir_bin"













in each of our installers.


Despite requiring the creation of the Dummy wwwroot folder, this actually worked fine (database connectivity and event logging included), until we uninstall one of the add-on modules. This would cause the wwwroot folder to be removed along with any existence of the ProductName web folder and contained virtual directories under IIS causing the other websites and their uninstall to fail.


Can anyone shed any light on what we’re doing wrong or suggest a better approach?


Any help appreciated.




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