     The Learning Kingdom's Cool Word of the Day for May 3, 1999

                  periculant [adj.  per-IK-you-lunt]


To be periculant is to be exposed to danger under difficult
conditions.  "The periculant survivors of the shipwreck crawled ashore
on the cold, windswept island."

This seldom-used word is a direct offspring of the Latin periculum
(trial, danger), and a close relative of peril (danger).  It comes
ultimately from the ancient root per-, which had a meaning something
like "to lead over" or "to press forward," with a sense of trial or

More words from the same ancient root:

fear: emotion that implies danger is near
pirate: one who emperils (endangers) others in order to gain wealth
experiment: to learn by deliberate trials
experience: apprehension of sensory information
expert: one who knows much about a particular field

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