   The Learning Kingdom's Cool Word of the Day for October 26, 1999

                      ragtime [adj., n. RAG-tym]


In the early years of the 20th century, a new form of music
emerged in the southern U.S.  Ragtime was a happy combination of folk
tunes with African and Creole elements.  Typically, there was a
complex main melody and a steady, accented accompaniment.

One of ragtime's most obvious features is the complex, syncopated
rhythms of the main melodies.  The name of the musical style was
probably a reduction of "ragged time," a description of the
unconventional rhythm.  A further reduction led to the noun for one
song: a rag.

Ragtime was a popular style before jazz music swept it into
obscurity.  In the 1970s, it enjoyed a popular revival, spurred in
part by the use of Scott Joplin's piano rags in the movie "The Sting."

Today ragtime music has legions of devoted fans:

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