16:18 PST 9/10/06 929 bytes

but love
serves life ~
                    oil semen lord toil horn
                    obi error lord toil arm
                    ai nearer lord led Iran
                    do Dwell woo  tool even
                    or, tweed end toil from

Of late I've seen them as 4x4 or 5x5 (words x lines)

The initial expression "none but love serves life", I thought and composed 
written with reverse
script on Ana.
 The five lines following I did not edit, with the exception of the last "toil" 
which was earlier,
"tid" and then "Wil", but finally retained as "toil"...otherwise, the words are 
presented just a
they appeared from 5 successive traces (reasonably faithful to the line of the 
reverse written
"efil sevres evol tub enon"). I didn't add the comma... looking down at the 
screen it was just
there, as it should be.


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