Rather than muck around with CMS systems for content sites, we get our
clients to use Adobe Contribute:


Essentially provides them a WYSIWYG interface to edit pages on their
site, preview them, etc.  Works with Dreamweaver templates for editable
regions, repeating regions, etc - but these are just special "comments"
in the HTML, so you could add them without Dreamweaver.

With the right combination of editable regions etc you can even have
non-technical users editing dynamic sites, as you just don't give them
access to edit the parts that generate code.

It's not free, but you're going to save time compared to setting up a
server-side CMS and moving the site into it, etc.   Also supports
posting to blogs and things like that.

Might not be the best solution for a 10,000+ page Intranet that needs
complex workflow etc, but most sites aren't that sort of size.

Marcin Szczepanski
Senior Web Developer
webqem pty ltd

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Kevin Ross
Sent: Tuesday, 29 May 2007 2:16 AM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: [WSG] Content Management issue ?


I have a question which has surfaced due to an upcoming requirement.

I have built a web site for a client who now wants to be able to
manage the site on her own.  She is computer literate, but not a web
designer, by any means.  I am new to the idea of Content Management
systems and am really trying to wrap my brain around what they really
do and how to set one up.  I guess I am wondering how other designers
handle this type of issue?  How do you setup clients to manage their
own site so they are not having to take a detailed course in Web
Design.  I hope my concern is understood, as I have been thinking
about this issue for a while and have investigated certain software...
Joomla, Wordpress...

Can anyone lend a hand?  Thanks very much...


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